Dec 13, 2008

I'm pregnant! Again!

........... finally!

I'm pregnant again. Confirmed by Sinseh this morning. I have passed the day-36 mark after ovulation. She felt my pulses for the longest time and eventually declared "The baby is on!" All vitals (her term, anyway) are fine. "The baby is already feeding on my breast milk", she even said.
GiggleGiggleGiggleCrying with laughterCrying with laughterCrying with laughter
No hurry. Apart from traditional Chinese medical proof, i will get a Western clinical proof too. By next week. I want to make pretty sure i will see the word "Pregnant" when i finally pee on it. I want it to be the last and final kit.

In the meantime, let the Dinos be at Peaceand enjoy Disc 4 The 70s show. I need to get away from stress. I need to get lots of relaxation. And, i need to sleeeeeeep!

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