Jul 27, 2008

Corgie rescued Dharma from the lock-up store room

It was 8:30pm and Corgie was incessantly smelling, scratching and making small whining sounds hovering at the store room room. She wouldn't came away despite luring with her favorite toys. So we opended the store room door and let her go in to find what she was having in mind. True enough, Dharma, our king-of-the-house cat came strolling out of the room.

Its not the first time that Dharma got lock-up in the store room. The first lock-up experience was sometime back in 2005. Loud banging noises from downstairs woke us up at around 7:30am, coming from the store room. After we opened the door, he went straight to his sand box and wee for almost 5 minutes. Poor guy was lock-up for more almost 10 hours. Despite our extra care not to leave the door ajar for long this boy still found his way in. Never understood what's so interesting for him inside.

Corgie, the she-hero. We were so thrilled to witness first hand live how dog actually sniff out hidden things (as shown in Animal Planets), well, a cat in this case. This incident has again proved that she is a pure breed cardigan corgi. Such distinctive ability only be found in a hunting breed. Its true because Pepsi, the big sister of the house, a pure mongrel, has never shown interest in hunting, except for grass. We nicknamed her the 'moo-dog'.

Jul 26, 2008

Breast tenderness begins

Breast tenderness has started more significantly today. I felt body temperature increased too. More tolerant to sitting and sleeping in a 22 degree air-conditioned room for 10 hours. According to most pregnancy sites, the earliest symptoms of conception are usually breast continuous breat tenderness and temperature rise. We did disciplinary carried out our routine monthly mission on the 19th, 21st and 23rd. Well, after consulting that p*****h  mrs sinseh, for the first time in 13th month of trying, i am certainly and positively hope i won't get lucky this month. Got a shadow in my mind from what she horrifically described about 2 hormones treatment clashes.

TCM diagnosis

The sinseh is a plump and petite-size woman. When she opens her mouth, she is no way near the choice of word as 'small'. A typical traditionally old-school rough woman packaged in a pair of modern office 2-piece, sitting on a 6 feet manager desk with numerous photos of herself posing with some of the members of the high society hung up being her office high-back chair. The biggest photo is one of her posing with Tengku Adnan, ex Tourism Minister. Adjacent to the left side of her desk sits a half-boiled looking la la mooi with a knitted snow cap (in a hot sunny afternoon??) A short and stout man standing nearby in a slip bag resembles pirated DVD selling was her husband which we only found out at the end of the consultation. Our first impression: we have stepped into a Chinese gypsy cart.

While still talking (loudly) with her other out-going patient, she signaled me to rest my hand on a arm-pillow. She started 'feeling' my pulse the minute i sat down. She didn't even fact-find like any other doctors. Finally, she stopped talking and concentrating 'feeling' my pulses in various locations on my right palm. But not into 15 seconds she had to answer a call on her mobile phone. After that her husband chatted with her about being diagnosed a successful conception of a patient which was reconfirmed by a test kit. A pariah scene, sorry, can't help it, these so-called traditional practitioners never fail to awe us with their unprofessional approach.

"Your left side ovary is not very good", her first diagnosis. Pulse-touching continued. "Lots of luekorrhea in your womb, that's why implantation fail, too slippery." Ok, now we are talking. I told her that i am usually quite 'dry', kinda contradicting her diagnosis. She did not answer that but just mentioned "the luekorrhea are building up in the womb and i will help you to drain it back to normal." If i am not having a big 'O' on my mouth then i must be severely brain retarded". Without wasting my precious time, i went ahead to present my hypothyroid problem, an English word that i have no translation at all. She seemed to understand clearly when i explain hypothyroid as "Low". She even went, unprovoked, sharing who and who patients also a thyroid case and how she cured her and successfully birth the first baby after seven years trying. Ok, the assurance testimony did help to lift her grade on my judgement scale a little. She went on and on boasting how she has helped numerous couples conceived and some even had twins. Ok, i admit, this cheap thrill did helped my patience sitting through with this this this....whatever. She was like a saleswoman suddenly. 

I told her about my first take of clomiphene and she went into a small fright of rage over the doctor who dared to prescribe me 2 types of hormone treatment at one go. She went on repeating how dangerous that my regular doctor to put me at high risk of getting female cancerous diseases. She even said i better not successful in conceiving this month because such big clash of 2 hormone treatments may cause the baby to be born with 'white dots' in the heart????? What's that? To add more horror into her statement, she chose 'possible retardation'. Whoaa!!! Hold on lady. If its really that bad i am sure my Western-educated doctor would have studied in her degree. I would have read about it in my hundreds of web-searches. But i wouldn't conclude it to be preposterous as yet, TCM might have some ancient observations that i did not googled. Give her the benefit of a doubt. No harm to me to listen anyway.

Finally she calmed down and entered her final diagnosis that she is to treat my leukorrhea now and to wean off my dependency on western thyrosine medications. Ok, there's one convicting solution. At least no more asking us to spend another RM1000 to test everything again as instructed by the 'other' fertility TCM doctors previously. 

Next Dino dad's turn. The pulse-reading revealed that he has a more urgent problem with bubble urine than fertility issue. Aaarhhh........ that's we are really talking now. This is one symptom we did not mentioned at all. She discovered it by pressing on pulse. She said if not treated, later can be advanced to kidney failure resulting in kidney dialysis. Bubble urine indicated high acidity. Dino dad is to ban from eating pork, chicken, cabbage and soya sauce. To reduce salt intake tremendously. Well, the salt thingy contradicted the fact that Dino dad is no fan of salty food at all. But the bubble-urine is so true happening. 

Mrs Sinseh assured Dino dad that his fertility is not an issue at all. His just having short-tailed sperms can't swim well. Whoah! Imagine she can feel that through pulse, no semen sample produced under microscope....truly sci-fi, don't you think. Wait, let me laugh first....hahahahahahahaha. 

So, 2 different bottles of herb powder given to each of us and the bill is an exorbitant RM350. Luckily Dino dad stuffed RM400 instead of the initial thought of RM300. It better work.

Jul 25, 2008

Visited a Chinese Traditional Sinseh and horrified by images of abortion of fetus at second and third trimester

The appointment was at 2:30pm but was finally 'sent in' at 4.00pm. (That's why i have always never respected chinese sinsehs.) At the time of waiting, a very-fluent-Chinese-speaking Indian assistant asked us to sign an indemnity form that stipulated the sinseh will not be liable for mistreatment and that the patient has chose to receive the treatments on her on freewill. Looking at this piece of sheet, we were contemplating to either walk out or sign it. 

Having waited for more than one hours, we decided to give ourselves an opportunity to be 'would-be-mistreated'. After all, this sinseh came well recommended by a friend's 'friend' (by the way, we have not even met or spoken to this 'friend-of-friend') who testified that her second child was a dream came true by this sinseh. What choice do we have? ONE - to wait until nature takes it course, could be next year or 5 years later. TWO - go in and see how we would grade this so-well-recommended-sinseh. THREE - spend RM32,000 to gamble on IVF. We chose TWO and continue to sit and watch the loop film about the ethic of aborting a pregnancy at second and third trimester.

For the love of all gods in this world, there are definitely no shortage of good medical documentaries in this world and this insensitive bugger has had to choose such a title to entertain their waiting customers. What am i grumbling about? Imagine watching abortion 'live' at close-up. Imagine seeing pieces of fetus being pulled forcefully by scapple. Imagine the scapple pulling out a blood draining piece of flesh oozing white liquid that supposed to be the squashed brain mesh of the fetus as narrated by the voice over. Imagine pieces of dismembered body parts lying on top of a white linen and one of the piece resembled a formed baby feet sticking out from the bloody mesh.

I am so emotional right now, as i am inserting this post. So much anger building up. I need to get the images out of head. I hate brutal images. I hate bloody images. I hate violent pictures. Aarrrrgggggghhhhhh............... Here we are trying so hard to have a baby and there they are insane people daring for an abortion at second and trimester. For the love of all gods in this world, carry the pregnancy to full term and give it up for adoption, f**ker.

I can't think straight now. So tired work-up. I need to sleep.

Jul 22, 2008

I am feeling twitching on the right side!

Its time again to reach ovulation stage. In fact, its the 14th ovulation observation. The twitches are felt quite strong tonight. The twitching is happening exactly the area i believe is where my right ovary is located. I looked up the human anatomy at wikipedia. 

I am hoping its for real this time. Based on the ovulation table, i am supposed to be ovulating between July 22 to July 24, and Dino dad and i have been working hard since July 18. We have been feeding ourselves with loads of vitamin C, fresh oranges, kiwis and all kinds of fresh fruits plus seafoods. 

Jul 21, 2008

Cot for a catnap

This is the winning picture of the day 18 July 2008 in The Star VIEWS section. Photographed by A. Ram Kumar Rao. It says "The feline visitor seems to have found this hospital bed just the right place for firty winks."

Loved this picture because this feline is a direct resemblance of our King of the house - Mr Dharmaboy, below, relax in the crook of heaven.

Jul 18, 2008

A poem on Anwar Ibrahim

This funny poem about the Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy case has been circling the internet lately. I think its a piece of great work. Read on:

Joey Yap advised Chinese medicine to be my cure

After determining that i am a Xin (yin) metal Day person, he quickly discovered that water, being the element representing my 'offspring' is clashed with fire that presents at my month pillar. Water-fire clash represent child-bearing difficulty. But Joey assured me that he saw my potential to have at least 2 children in this life time. Of course, after paying RM1,800 for an half-hour consultation, we pressed further by being honest with him that i had aborted one child 10 years ago. By choice, at 1.5 months old. He went quiet for 2 seconds than resume saying "well, at least there is one left for you, haha." My heart sank. Mind racing no where. I asked "Are you sure about that?" Joey replied firmly "Of course you might get a third one if you try header but the mother-child affinity would not be strong because its by force". 

Joey continues. Metal (me) produces water (my offspring) that feeds the wood, hence i should switch to traditional chinese medicine treatment of which is a wood element. He assure me over and over again the chinese herbs would enhance my conception rate. And, (this is the best part) i have high possibility to conceive within the coming autumn months this year....whoahohohoho!! That's right. It was recorded in the CD too. He even advised me to totally drop my work to care of my newborn next year. Next year!!! He said that. It was on the CD too. (Rewinding the 4th time)

Ok, chinese medicine it is. 

Bazi for clue of fertility

We went to consult Joey Yap on my bazi on 11 July 2008, at his office 3:30pm. We figured it would be better to spend RM1,800 on his consultation than heading straight into IUI (Intra-Uterine Insemination) or IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). An IUI treatment would cost between RM2.000 to RM3,000. An IVF session costs between RM16,000 to RM22,000. None of the fertility centres in Kuala Lumpur would guarantee successful implantation. Even the one that claims to have the highest birth rates suggested that at least two sessions of IVF would only bring problem-mom-wannabe like me to bring home a baby. 2 x RM16,000 = RM32,000 to birth a baby? The hardcore Africans and Indonesians even want to sell us their babies!! A girl friend of mine had attempted jumping 30 times each day for about 2 weeks and consumed self-ordered abortion herbs from sinseh to rid of her pregnancy. Not only did the baby survived, it grown into a handsome and healthy 12 years old boy today. Another girl friend has had her first baby at the age of 38. Sighhh.......

Jul 11, 2008

Failed the 12th time

6:30am. Period finally came. Despite a visibly longer breast tenderness period. Despite feeling good throughout the month. No mood to write. 

Jul 9, 2008

I am on 1st cycle of Clomiphene 100mg

Ok, i have had a first cycle of clomiphene at 100mg on July 9, Day 2 of my June mensus. Dr Christina Cheah advised 100mg because i have had 50mg for 3 cycles from June to Aug 2007, and not only didn't i conceive, i even crushed into the hypothyroidsm. In August 2007, my period, for the first time in 10 years, late for 7 days and we were so way over heals to think that we made it. The rest is history. Let's hope this 100mg works for i don't wish to go a few more cycles as clomiphene was mentioned in some research papers that i can cause breast cancer. Please don't make me exchange cancer for a baby.