Mar 31, 2009

Find days with Heavenly Virtue

One of the most important stars used in Date Selection is the 'Heavenly Virtue Star' (天德蕢人). 
Whenever this star is present on that day, important events will be smooth-sailing and hassle-free. This Star has a pacifying effect on any negative activity, and helps to infuse that particular activity with positive energies. Even the power of negative stars will be diminished by the mere presence of the 'Heaven;y Virtue'. This is how you identify good dates:

Month - Havenly Virue Noble Star 天德蕢人

Feb Yin Tiger - Ding Yin Fire

March Mao Rabbit - Shen Monkey

April Chen Dragon - Ren Yang Water

May Si Snake - Xin Yin Metal

June Wu Horse - Jia Young Wood

July Shen Monkey - Gui Yin Water

August You Rooster - Yin Tiger

Sept Xu Dog - Bing Yang Fire

Oct Hai Pig - Yi Yin Wood

Nov Zi Rat - Si Snake

Dec Chou Ox - Geng Yang Metal

For example, in the month of the Tiger (Feb 4th - Mar 4th), all Ding (Yin Fire) days contain the 'Heavenly Virtue Star'.

In the month of the Dragon (Apr 4th - May 4th), all Ren (Yang Water) days are 'Heavenly Virtue' days.

Hence, be sure to picked out all the good dates to undertake important endeavors.

Mar 15, 2009

Cycle 19 : Day 17 - First progesterone jab

It cost MYR170. And i am schedule for this at an alternate four-day interval!!!!Free Emoticon Courtesy of

Progesterone - the agent used beginning with the first trimester of pregnancy in an attempt to prevent habitual abortion.

In a natural fertile woman, progesterone is produced in the ovaries when she first got pregnant. It helps to prepare the body for successful implantation and most importantly, its main functions are:
  • Makes the endometrium develop and secrete fluids after being primed by estrogen
  • Maintains the functions of the placenta and fights off unwanted cells near the womb that could cause damage to the placenta or foetus.
  • Keeps the endometrium in a thickened condition
  • Stops the uterus making spontaneous movements
  • Stimulates the growth of breast tissue
  • Prevents lactation until after the birth (with estrogen)
  • Strengthens the mucus plug covering the cervix to prevent infection.
  • Strengthens the pelvic walls in preparation for labour.
  • Stops the uterus from contracting (thus keeping the baby where it is)
The effects on a woman due to raised levels of progesterone can include any or all of the following:
  • Constipation I think i'm beginning to....
  • Heartburn No wonder why i breathed hard the night after the jab.
  • Runny and irritable nose None yet
  • Eyesight problems (blurring or headaches) Headache...yeah...bloody headaches killing me and i can't take painkiller. Got to suffer through it.
  • Increased kidney infection risk.
Well, i feel i am pushing the weigh scale. Oh no, going to look like thisFree Emoticon Courtesy of
And the headache.....aaarrrggggg........ i can't even lie down on the bed. I have to sleep sitting straight up. And pressuring the center of my palm seems to help to relieve the throbbing pain.
I am just through the first jab. More suffering to come for just to have a wee Free Emoticon Courtesy of

Mar 11, 2009

Cycle 19: day 14 - IUI day

Intrauterine Insemination, quite a mouthful but it was just a two minutes procedure that costs MYR700.
We reached the medical center at about 9.40am. It was a quiet morning. with only two patients ahead of us. After waited for about ten minutes, Dino dad was led to 'that' private room at level one to dispose his load of which the doc had advised him to accumulate for five days. Free Smiley Face Courtesy of
I waited downstairs checking out today's headlines on the newspapers.
When Dino dad reappeared, he sounded worry because his load was not as much as he had expected. We began to feel doubtful and started worrying that it might not be sufficient for successful IUI.Free Smiley Face Courtesy of
The nurse allowed us to go for tea while the sperms needed about one hour for washing process. Before stepping out of the medical center, i reasserted the nurses to not mixed up the sperms tub with other father-wannabe who might be having IUI or IVF for the day.
While sipping the teh-tarik-chum, we were scanning through the newspapers restlessly and discussing about Dino dad's crude coconut oil deal. We made our way back to the center at about a quarter past eleven. The nurse ushered me up to level one and Dino dad went off for his business appointment.
While waiting for the sperms being washed, i continued reading the newspaper. A toddler, probably about 3 years old, a boy, came running happily and climbed onto the cantilever seat in front of me. He surprised himself by the crackling sound when his busy little palms grasped by newspapers.Free Emoticon Courtesy of
Back ten years i could be easily annoyed with such incident and would silently send off unspoken wrath to the ignorant parents with such ill-mannered child. Today, i found this toddler adorable. He was so enjoying the crumpling sound made by the newspaper he even sprawn half of his five-kilo body onto my paper and started swimming butterfly strokes. He giggled hard while he wallowed his face candidly on the papers and his stretched his arms further till they rest on my womb. Having saw this, his dad rushed forward and carried him away.
Well, the kid was fun and genuine but his parent has gain, proven me right about my never-ending disgust over their bad parenting skill. No apology or friendly gesture. I stood firm by my theory - how can such parent educate their children when themselves dreadfully needed to be taught. 
Upon entering level one, i noticed some newborns wrapped up cosily sleeping by a huge glass window in front of the nurse station. At a glance, i thought the babies were triplets as they all looked extremely alike. The nurse, probably noticed me glancing at the babies intently trying to mentally deciphering triplets or singles, she offered a huge soft warm smile and said "these babies are just days old". And nope, they are not triplets. Yeah, i forget, newborns all look
 alike. Or probably i have not had any close encounter of this tiny kinds in ages.
At 11.55am, an embryologist pushed a trolley to my daybed. On the tray were a few high-tech looking stuff. Shivers ran down my spine. I changed into a hospital wrap and lied down on the bed. When the doc came, i asked him if the sperms load was sufficient for this procedure, he replied "Oh, very good indeed. The volume is more than enough and motility is 97%". He beamed. 
Great, that put me at ease. At a fleeting moment, i was kinda in a peaceful trance until the embryologist asked for my legs to prop up and wide. Sigh..... i have certainly lost count of the number of times i have exposed my vaginal to strangers in these past few months.
The spotlight was on and shone directly to my vaginal. Of course i feel uncomfortably embarrased. This time, the doc was delicate with his hands.
The vaginal was propped open like it was a pap smear procedure. Then doc filled up a thin and flexible catheter with a clear fluid which i was told its my Dino dad's best sperms. Then doc bent down to insert the catheter through my cervix and straight to my uterine to deposit the sperms. I felt nothing. No anesthesia was given. Then doc filled up from another test tube of clear fluid.

This time, the doc took away jack and release the sperms just inside my vaginal. Very quickly, doc left and nurses pushed away the tray while another nurse relaxes my legs and cover it with a blanket. I rested for an hour.
During this hour, i had a moments of peace within me. Free Smiley Face Courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.orgProbably it was the knowledge that i have professional help this time. Probably i was indulging in the crazy replaying of the scene of that little giggling toddler being a god-sent to boost my success todayFree Smiley Face Courtesy of How else would i explain the sudden mellow mood towards this child? He could have climbed onto the other twenty seats and rumbled other stacks of papers but he found mine. The five thousand year-old ancient Chinese metaphysics study documented that children below age nine are very 'yang' and i certainly hope this toddler was an angel to 'yang' up my womb which many past sensehs believed my womb is too 'yin' (cold).
Now all that's left is my silent prayers and urging the little Dinos in me to swim harder and find the eggs.Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

Mar 10, 2009

Cycle 19 : day 13 - HcG jab to push ovulation

The 6th and final jab of HcG, aimed to push my maturing eggs out of the ovaries.
Two days ago, the biggest of the six follicles measured at 17mm. Today the doc didn't scan. Why? Why didn't he think a scan is necessary at this stage? What if the eggs had released itself last night? Then it would be a huge professional negligence to waste my money on the IUI and to subject me through the subsequence?
Many burning questions were at the tip of my tongue but i had decided to swallowed them. I thought the need to put up a smarty-pant front was not going to force the doc to make a baby for me. I understand doctors are no salesmen. They are just dumb-mouth highly-trained professional technicians. The thought of hopping from one specialist to another would only delay our objective. After all, i have tried 'managing' my TTC for so many failed cycles already. Better to let go this once. I am sure the doc is on top of my case with my interest at heart. And this is supposed to be a happy journey for us.
I am supposed to have stomach discomfort after this final jab but none came so far. Thank goodness. Could it be that strenuous jogs brought on this benefit? I mean, the pain caused by the first and second jabs disappeared after i started jogging about 2km daily. I was literally pain-free from the third jab onwards. 
Tomorrow is big day. Got to report to the medical center before 9.30am. Dino dad would have to have his sperms washed and filtered for only the best and viable before inserted into my womb with a catheter. After that, i will be resting in the center for two hours. Looks like a full half day would be gone.
I am now trying to practice the power of Law of Attraction to overcome the nagging anxiety that came from the realization of a pimple that grew right at the center of my top philtrum. In mianxiang studies, this blasted pimple actually means disturbance to my fertility and pregnancy. What a damn perfect timing to start sprouting about 6 days back. Free Smiley Face Courtesy of What a damn perfect timing to sprout in this cycle where i spent the most money on TTC. It's as if my bad karma was saying "Oh, this time you are getting professional help to get a baby eh, and i shall use the most aggravating method to where it hurt most." 
I will be spending MYR700 for the IUI procedure. Despite me erupted and scratched the pimple a few nights back to try flattening the bump so as to hope fervently for it to signify smooth fertilization, the fiery red round scar is still very visible from any angle seen on the mirror. Damn it! its still looks like a bump despite its flat to the touch.Free Smiley Face Courtesy of
Whyyyyy.....Free Smiley Face Courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.orgFree Smiley Face Courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.orgFree Smiley Face Courtesy of
I got to stop working myself up. Better go meditate now to work on visualizing my newborn twins.Free Emoticon Courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.orgFree Emoticon Courtesy of

Mar 7, 2009

Foods that you don't feed your cat

I've search everywhere in thestar online for this article and the funny thing is the search result came 'NIL'. Then i went to, the writer's website where this article originated. And there too the articles is no where be found. Sigh......i thought to save the typing effort. Never mind la, the content is worth keeping.
Ellen Whyte wrote:Free Emoticon Courtesy of
Before commercial pet food was made, cats were fed table scraps. There are three problems adopting this as a routine diet.
First, some coca products like chocolate milk, and onions are toxic to cats. Onion relatives like garlic and leeks can also be problematic. Cats who eat too much liver can overdose on vitamin A.
Second, people food tend to be high in salt.
Third, scraps consisting of rice and vegetables aren't nutritious for cats.
Forth, cats that eat too much fish can suffer from taurine deficiency and lose their eyesight. Too much fish can also lead to vitamin E deficiency and cause a killer condition called steatitis or yellow fat disease.
Cats' bodies work in unusual ways, so its very hard to make sure they can absorb everything they need from these diets. Although dry food is convenient, recent studies show that cats fed exclusively on dry food have a higher chance of developing urinary tract difficulties than cats fed on wet food.
Many products now have added ingredients that acidify the urine, but critics say these can lead to bladder stones. Current consensus is what giving pets wet food is an important preventive tactic.
Apart from food concerns, water is also extremely important for car health. All cars must have access to clean fresh water all the time. Clean the bowl twice a day to prevent dust and other contamination.Free Emoticon Courtesy of

Mar 6, 2009

Cycle 19 : Day 9 - 4th jab

Tonight i went for the jab alone with Dino dad in Indonesia away on business. I reached the medical center a little passed nine. The latest of all night visits. When i entered the room, i was surprised to see 'my dr' on duty tonight. I mean i was expecting dr. Eli whom i have always thought is the night-duty doc. 

Unexplainably, it felt good to see 'my dr'. Well, its not like i have not seen him for a while. As a matter of fact, i have just seen in last Saturday. Its just that i get that curiously 'comfortable' feeling as soon as i saw him. I don't mean dr Eli was not good, its just that she's a stand-over dr for my case. My doc is the head of this center and he has a few successful IVF expectants and deliveries over the past twelve months. Perhaps its the immediate knowledge of regaining the confidence that my case is in good hand gave me the momentary peace of mind.

On top of that, 'my dr' showed me wonderful images of the developing follicles in my ovaries. The vaginal scan revealed three eggs in my right ovaries measuring between 7-10 mm, and another three eggs in the left ovaries measuring slightly bigger between 10-14 mm averagely. He was pleased with the development. Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

Jokingly i asked would it be possible all six eggs would be released at the same time? He laughed. Of course i know for a fact that no matter how many eggs being released into the uterine, some may not survive. "All i want is to have at least one baby for you", he said, with the nicest smile.

Free Smiley Face Courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.orghaiyah...Dino dad would have love to hear it too. I paid the MYR340 bill without hesitation tonight. And surprisingly, the needle pain is much much less painful....Free Smiley Face Courtesy of power at play?

Mar 4, 2009

Cycle 19: Day 7 - Third jab, oouch! oouch!

Free Smiley Face Courtesy of .... the third MYR340 in less than 7 days.

Haiyohhhhh....why why why! Even the indonesian maid only need to pay MYR 15 to birth a baby.

Free Smiley Face Courtesy of worked so hard to build savings and to be drained like this. All of our planning for trips to hug real baby panda bear in Chengdu, sipping greek tea from a white-washed stone hotel in Santorini and getting thrilled by up-close encounter with the seven-footer Komodo lizards in Indonesia can now be thrown into the waste-basket. The next two weeks will see a chunk of MYR3,000 being emptied from our precious bank account. And mind you, no guarantee of success in bringing home babies provided.

Sigh.....Free Smiley Face Courtesy of got to nurse my bums - hurting bad caused by the jabs. And a second time mild fever too. Why! why! why so susah one. Got to Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

Mar 1, 2009

Cycle 19 : Day 4 - Am hurting!

Ok, it's official. Yesterday, about 12pm, we have signed up on Assisted Reproductive Techniques and I had my first shot - follicle stimulation hormones - gonadotropins.

The shot cost MYR340. And today, the bum hurts bad. I spiked a mild fever too. Stomach remains bloated and all muscles pain and i'm moody. You can say that again - pay to suffer.

To add salt to wound, i'm scheduled for another shot tomorrow night. What have we done in our past life to deserve this punishing? Or are we still sane to still want to have a child out of stubbornness? Whatever. Too tired to write. zzzzzzzzzz