Sep 8, 2008

Cycle 15, Day 4 : Mild twitching

Very mild twitching felt on lower abdomen. Getting aware of the twitches since late last evening. If my finger felt correctly, the twitches are at exactly the place where i think my left ovary is or the area surrounding. Each twitch lasted no more than 15 seconds. The last twitch was at around 9:30pm just now while standing cutting up watermelon in the kitchen. It was this twitch brought me sitting in front of the Mac and started browsing the safari for readings on ectopic pregnancy. I found this highly informative content from

Ectopic Pregnancies Percentage of Occurrence by Location
Fimbrial/Infundibulum Ectopic Pregnancy 5%
Cornual/Interstitial Ectopic Pregnancy 1% - 2%
Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy .05% - 1%
Broad Ligament/Intraligamentous Ectopic Pregnancy .03% - 1%
Ampulla Ectopic Pregnancy 75% - 90%
Isthmic Ectopic Pregnancy 5% - 15%
Abdominal Ectopic Pregnancy .03% - 1%
Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy 1%
Heterotopic about 1/7000 (one embryo in the uterus and one embryo ectopic)
*About 95% of Ectopic Pregnancies occur in some portion of the tube. 5% of Ectopic Pregnancies occur in other locations.

How does an Ectopic Pregnancy Happen?

The sperm after ejaculation from the male travel from the vagina, through the cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes to reach the ovary where fertilization takes place. From the ovary the egg once fertilized, will travel back through the fallopian tube into the uterus to implant. The major cause of an ectopic is when the egg for some reason is unable to reach the uterus. Most commonly the fertilized egg (zygote) stops in the fallopian tube and implants there resulting in an ectopic pregnancy.

The narrow fallopian tubes are not designed to hold a growing embryo and the fertilized egg cannot develop normally, in most cases. Eventually, the thin walls of the tube stretch to the point of rupturing. If this happens, a woman is in danger of life threatening blood loss (hemorrhage).

Read that? Danger of hemorrhaging to death... (shudder).

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