The bleeding only lasted for about 8 hours yesterday and stopped for the whole night. I thought i was in the clear. Beaming with hope, i took the courage to fast-forward the urine test. AND IT WAS POSITIVE!!! 

But the 2nd indicator was quite faint. At least there's evidently a 2nd line!
Thinking that this test will be my last and final test, that i could finally close the chapter, out of a sudden i felt a gush of flush down there. It was bright crimson!
Oh noooooo. Can life be anymore cruel? Can my karma be anymore wicked? Giving me a positive sign at one minute and slapping me to crude reality at another instant. All merry immediately erased from my emotion box and urgency reined. Hit the phone and rang some numbers for appointment with a gyne.
Found one at Subang Medical Center. Rushed up the jobs for a client than sped off for the 2.30pm appointment.
Vaginal-scan showed there are 3-4 fibroids inside my uterus and no sign of a growing fetus. Cervix is fine. The gyne then ordered a urine pregnancy test to make sure he cover his ground. He had probably saw that my face was sending out a strong unspoken message "Don't let me start telling you what to do, doc."
It was almost 3pm and the satelite lab, did live up to its meaning, release a 'satelite' pregnancy urine test result and oh my my my my..... IT WAS POSITIVE TOO!!!!! And it was done with ClearBlue top grade kit. And i thought i could have gotten a fake result with my RM9.95 kit this morning, thus given me a faint 2nd line.
Now, the doc became unsure. Ultrasound said No but test said YES. Next, blood test for hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone)
Its 9.30pm now. Again, i am in a red-clear time zone. How weird? Could this odd light bleeding is the shedding of some of the fibroids as they are no longer growing from feeding on the herb-based-estrogen-treatment? STOP!!! i better not kill myself with crazy self-play-doctor-analysis. I need sleep and lots of jokes to get me by this night, so that i can be ready for tomorrow's hCG result.
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