May 2007
Decided its time for a baby in our life.
Full medical check-up for both of us.
Included checks for toxoplasma and thalassemia.
We both passed with flying colors.
June 2007
Mountainous of confidence that turned greedy in chancing for twins.
Downed the first cycle of Clomid 50mg.
Timed our missions according to dr's schedule.
Even boosted our campaign with 2-days grand prayers in Hatyai.
Spent absolute stress-free hours in laying out plans for the 'little fella'.
Period came. On time.
July 2007
Timed all missions diligently.
Even practiced all before-and-after-sex tips for trying couples learned from various websites.
Downed the second cycle of Clomid. Dr doubled to 100mg.
My body started to bloat like a after-meal-godzilla.
Grand water retention that sent the weigh scale rocketing.
Kept having fun on charting little fella's d.o.b and would-be-bazi.
Again, period came. On time too.
Aug 2007
Decided to go natural.
Stopped Clomid. Couldn't stand the bloating.
But body continued bloating. Sprouting symptoms of a slowing metabolisme; indigestion, frequent tiredness, lacking of zest and constipation kicked in.
Kept our sedulous pursuit of baby-making missions.
Surprisingly, period was late. For the first time.
8 days living in ecstasy. Giggling like stupid teenagers whenever our corners of eyes met.
Oh boy! this little fella's bazi looked superb on his/her's birth in Spring 2008.
Period came on the ninth day. Morale dropped nine-sky low.
Sept 2007
Recalculated ovulation timing and started back on third cycle of Clomid 100mg.
Billowing bloatedness with pain. Persistent low metabolisme symptoms.
Added 4kg in four months.
Timed all missions and followed all sex tips.
Period came as usual.
Oct 2007
Emotionally draining. Spirit low.
But kept to routine with success a bleak plain.
Went on routine like 2 robots.
Started to research on everything "trying-to-get-pregnant".
Period came and went.
Nov 2007
Same old, same old.
But a lot wiser with information learned about fertility issues.
Half-boiled eggs created fear with many un-dissected "??"
To take off my stress, Dino dad bought me a Yamaha EL500 Electone RM12,000.
Wahaha, its my version of BMW ever since i was 12 admiring the seniors performing numbers on these Electone on stage in a roadshow. And now i have one! Love you, Dino dad.
Period came and went.
December 2007
Luckily work at the office kept us busy.
It took our minds off the campaign at least half of the month.
Kept to schedules like good soldiers. Because we are a never-say-never folks.
Christmas came and gone and again there was red.
Too depressed and much desperation propelled our decision to get help.
Hate it. But booked our first appointment with an IVF specialist learned from the internet.
Had our very first 'fertility checks' on the second day of my December mensas.
Transvaginal scan revealed some fibroids in my intrauterine area.
Both ovaries are fine with reserves of about 9 eggs seen on the scan.
I even remembered the dr said that it was highly possible my egg would be released by my left ovary in the coming cycle.
All seemed fine until the hormonal test report came back and declared I HAVE HYPOTHYROIDSM. A serious case with TSH at 6.32.
It explained all the symptoms. Started thyroxine 100mg daily.
A big detour on our highway after paid a hefty RM1,760 summon.
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