Dec 7, 2008

Cycle 17 : Day 30


Already passed the Day-30-5 pm mark and still looking positive.

All the pregnant signs are still intact; the breast tenderness especially on the lower half moon of the twins and they are much much fuller seen from all angles. Looks seductive. Frequent urination has started since yesterday. Bowel movement slowed.

But the urine test kit was 'Not Pregnant'. Can it be that my egg did not get fertilized and yet still got implanted because i have been doubling up the herbal white pills? Sinseh did not mentioned what those white pills contain. And its not like i'd be able to comprehend the TCM medical jargons if she would care to explain. Last cycle, she prescribed it immediately after she declared i was pregnant. 

From my research, progesterone is the key to implantation and sustaining pregnancy for the first trimester. Some sites warmed that even a slight drop would easily trigger a miscarriage. And fertility specialists have evidently encountered time over again that many miscarriages at during the early pregnancy were cases of weak and short luteal phase and caused low progesterone level, hence triggered spontaneous miscarriage without the mom-to-be realizing it. Thinking back, Sinseh did made a mistake for not prescribing the white pills earlier. In fact, i was on the chocolate pills until late into day-35. Now i can strongly name these chocolate pills as the herbal-version of estrogen booster. The western medical research paper said too much estrogen can suffocate the fetus. Hear that!! Now i am angry. 

With all information i learned, literally from every where, i'd be my own doctor. I doubled the white pills since day 24. A fertility site even mentioned that most fertility doctors would prescribe progesterone even as early as right after ovulation. 

Fingers crossed. Hope alleviated. And prayers resume. Thank you for those of you who have been including us in your daily prayer. We need all the luck that we can get. This baby is obviously enjoying lots of persuasion and cooing before deciding to come by our door. 

And thanking to my Christian friends who have been encouraging me to drop by their churches so that Jesus can hear me. Christianity is a beautiful religion. Its just i do not believe in embracing another faith just to ask for a baby. It would reflect my greediness outright and my insincerity naked to everyone's eyes. But i do hope that if its not too much, i surely hope my Christian friends can include me in their prayer. And muuuuuahh muuuuahh

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