This is the best image i've ever seen in this whole year - a positive pregnancy test. And now i can gladly stop going to the pharmacies for test kits.
But the light-bleeding wouldn't stop. So doc did a transvaginal ultrasound. The vaginal scan did not find a supposed gestational sac (the baby) as i should be having in my five and a half week now. Instead, he found the fibroids. Yes, they are still there. Its nothing new. I got to know it during the first vaginal scan back in December 2007 with another fertility doc. He said its not big deal. It will go away eventually. Looks like these fibroids have been making a home in here.
The doc made 3 possibilities:
(1) I might have a missed-date calculation, which means, i
might have a later ovulation date then i thought. If this is the case, the doc said another scan by next week would suppose to see the sac if bleeding stop the next few days.
(2) Pending miscarriage.
(3) An ectopic pregnancy. The 'little fella' (a name Dino dad and i developed for the baby) might have implanted itself elsewhere.
Next step - the hCG test.

Result out but not promising. Lower than normal. Again, the above 3 possibilities apply. And to do another hCG on MOnday.
Went to see another gynea for under Sinseh's recommendation yesterday morning. This new woman gynae too ruled out the above 3 possibilities. She said she can't trace any heartbeat, and that's the sign the fetus might probably is unhealthy. She bent more towards a impending miscarriage. Anyway, she prescribed 2 dosages of progesterone daily and hope that it would somehow make its way back to normal.
We went home devastated. And now i am confined to bed rest from now on until the next hCG result. If its still drop further, i will make a decision by then.
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