I am at shock with myself. Saw the first Twilight movie on StarMovie on somewhere middle of Dec 2009 and now i am acting like a teenager going absolutely ga-ga over this novel-turn-movie series.
Bought all 4 books Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn and finished off New Moon 600-odds pages in 3 days. Spent the whole end of Dec 2009 hiding at my favorite reading corner at the house pouring into these pages like an unexplainable romantic teenager relive.
Now i am on a ferocious hunt for the movie New Moon. I can't even concentrate work not thinking about the handsome Edward Cullen. My mind even replay some romantic scenes read from the books while i drive.

As crazy as i sound but i am not shy. Surfing the nets for downloading collections of The Twilight casts like i was at 15. I have got to check on myself where did this sudden influx of adrenalin for teenage romance came from when i am done and through with this fever later.
Unbelievable at myself - madness.

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