I walked like a zombie on flat shoes. Liked any regular morning, Dino dad and i always stopped by the Malay store nearby our office to have morning tea. I had no appetite but forced down two slices of toast and a cup of cham. But still my stomach ached whole day making me couldn't concentrate much at work.
I zombied through the rest of the day, skipping lunch, to finish up urgent jobs in hand. By 3pm, i was beginning to put my medical instinct cap on. I thought maybe i was having a gastric attack. Being an O-type, i could have had too little meaty in my diet for the past two week and yesterday fasting had sort of full-blown it. Dino dad bought two pieces of KFC for me. Soon after that, i did felt a little better. Without thinking much, i hurried burning jobs into a DVD to take home with me as i will not be entering this office again at least for the next five to seven days. I just couldn't afford to do any climbing of three flights of stairs at every morning, every lunch and every evening. I must stay off activity so the least impact sent off from my both of my soles the better chance of survival for my three babies.
By 7pm, i reached home still feeling the same stomach pain. I suddenly became a doc and thought of 'antacid'. I summarized that owing to my low appetite ever since i started the jabs some three weeks ago, i actually took a little food that i lost 2 kg in three weeks. I was happy about it. But could this be the slowly building up of acidic environment in my stomach and only to me made full blown by the fourteen-hour fasting for the eggs-pick-up procedure? I put on a smug face to myself. To be sure i called up my doc but he was no help. He didn't answer directly to my question as first. He only acknowledged my gastric query after i furnished him with so in-depth details. Sigh....so much for being a specialist. Blah!
So Dino dad drove off to get me antacid pills and a pack of chocolate milk. While i was waiting for the pills to take effect, Dino dad was bent on thinking bird nest's alkaline can cure my overly acidic stomach.
Ok, now, its been ten minutes i finished off the three-finger-size bird-nest soup and still waiting for the comfort to come by. In the meantime, i should retire for the day now so to prepare my body with full rest ready to receive my babies into my womb tomorrow at 2pm. Though now we are officially parents, but to seal that feeling more concretely, i can't wait for the three boys to be as one with me. Its a day i have waited for twenty eight months. Sweet dreams to myself 
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