I was admitted for albumin drip on Wednesday night because excessive fluid retention in several parts of my abdominal cavity caused me breathing difficulty. My breathing pattern was incredibly laborious. I couldn't sit for all and couldn't sleep well. The albumin helped to push excessive fluid back into the system to be channeled out naturally through urination and defecation. This shockingly expensive RM980 one-night hospitalization did elevated the stressful breathing the next two days but only to be bloating hard again on Friday night.
I was practically drinking and eating so much so much less till i felt dehydrating at some point. I wanted to drink water or soup but each few sips would bloat up my tummy till it hurt bad. I even woke up at 5am jerking to vomit - felt like morning sickness - but nothing came out. I walked around with both hands cradling my bizarrely protruding tummy. I treaded lightly with sole-on-first - liked ballet dancing around the house. And i felt like a handicap - not able to lift a hand to house chores because bending down to pick up something from the floor seems like a algebra maths work.
Today doc ran another blood check on my vitals and the result was normal. Ok, that's good but i still felt zombied around with a painful huge belly. I even shied away from public and neighbors fearing they would spot my tummy and prop the annoying question like "how many months along are you?" - a simple question but with a bizarre answer "one week".
Apart from the bizarre waistline, the messy and nasty progesterone suppository (inserted thrice daily), this afternoon till now, i actually felt more alert and agile. I feel good enough to sit up now to blog, though my round six-month-lookalike tummy bumps against the desk from time to time.
Doc warned that my condition may worsen in the coming days due to the increase of the natural progesterone manufacture by the babies placentas. Of which is a very good sign that all my babies are growing healthily in me.
Increasing natural placenta + synthetic progesterone = monstrous tummy bloating!
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