It is often used for light or absent menses (perimenopause), recovery from blood loss, infertility, or symptoms such as dry hair, dry skin, dizziness, stiff tendons. Do not use if currently experiencing loose stools. Reduce dosage or discontinue if you experience bloating or loose stools. This formula is not vegetarian and contains chicken and deer. The packaging is unique, the small black tea pills come in a plastic “egg” that must be broken open to get the daily dosage.

Domesticated chicken. What a mouthful sci-fi name for a simple fowl.
Raw Rehmannia glutinosa root (Chinese Foxglove) 地黄 Sheng Di Huang

Nourishes the Yin and increases fluids for injured Yin from heat causing dry mouth, throat pain, wasting and thirsting disorder, and constipation.

Angelica sinensis root 当归 Dong Gui

Clears heat and cools the blood for heat in the blood level causing fever, red-purple tongue, skin blotches, and bleeding. Also treats gynecological disorders from hot blood (dysmenorrhea or menorrhagia).
Invigorates blood, removes, stagnation and swelling for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, acute inflammations, abdominal pain and masses. Also used for swelling and stagnation from internal or external injury, rashes, and abscess.
Clears liver fire for ascending liver fire affecting the eyes, causing redness and swelling.

Regulates Qi and spreads liver Qi used for all symptoms associated with liver Qi stagnation including pain in the hypochondrium, epigastric region, and abdomen along with fullness. Used for emotional disturbance, poor appetite, chest congestion and frequent sighing.
Regulates menses and relieves pain treats gynecological disorders including dysmenorrheal and irregular menses. Also used for breast distension.

Tonifies the qi and Yin of the spleen, stomach, lung and kidneys.
Cervus nippon antler gelatin
Mel (honey)
Astragalus membranaceus root 黄芪 Huang Qi
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