Esther, suggested to let my tummy be touched by her favorite bomoh.
A Buddhist girlfriend, Veron, warned me not to go for the bomoh as she was convinced that if i should got pregnant later on, the 'it' would be a 'guai' jai' (dead child's soul).
Strongly, she recommended that the right path should be paying homage to Kuan Yin PuSa and break some xing bui at each of my request. And if i got a negative xing bui, i should repeat the exercise until i get a positive reply from the divine.
On the other hand, a Christian girlfriend, Sylvea, expounded a long lecture on the existence of evil at work. Sylvea doesn't believe in ghosts but as a staunch Christian, she believed there are spirits. ('t ghost and spirits same thingy?) Every living thing must be given by god and no other way, except evil's work on our temptation.
Emily, my other girlfriend, is drumming her conviction into my ears every now and then, to give Jesus a try, for my wish to have a baby. Emily is hundred percent confident that pregnancy is possible if i join her church for some prayer. Jesus is generous and will provide to those who need. Her first baby was a gift from god after she made her wish in church one and a half years ago.
A guy friend, Goh, discoursed "Na Mo Dai Bei Zhao".
By the way, Goh is a young father of four, with the youngest at four months.
An elderly aunty-friend even recommended me to find any one who is willing to donate a piece of soiled diaper from their baby to take home and keep it by my bed. <
It's a successful method brought down through generations.
Thank you to all of you, gals. Wonderful advice and sweet to know you care. I am blessed already.
Thank you to all of you, gals. Wonderful advice and sweet to know you care. I am blessed already.
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