So there i dutifully gulped down a big bowl of 'butt-zhan' with my other hand closing both my nostrils. In that way, i don't get to actually taste the bitterness of chinese herbs. But hey, this time is not bitter at all. Can tolerate. Thanks to mom-in-law always remembers i have not affinity with bitter foods like....chinese medicines. She added some black dates to camaralize the bitterness. Hmm, what do 'butt-zhan' comprise of?
On April 3, the fourth day of cycle 20, we had a post-mortem on our failed IUI. Waste of time. My opinion about dr stay true after all these years subscribing to this thought - dr's are medical technicians'. Drs never failed to impress me, left alone amaze me. He reviewed my case by reciting the failing possibilities that i have already knew. Hello, any woman with a computer and an internet line would have surfed and researched into this sort of imformatin at a click!!
He ruled in these possibilitites: the eggs got stuck somewhere in the fallopian tube and sperms swam south-bound. Ha! ha! ha! what are we? 15?
Disatisfied with this explanations, i took up the smarty-pant in me to remind the dr that he did not do a final scan to ensure my eggs were fully maturing to 19 or 20mm before the Hcg to induce ovulation, that the eggs could have been ovulated later than 24 hours and the washed sperms could have die before 48 hours expired. The dr was quick to defend himself by firmly shielding my question with his weathered-experience badge, that almost all ovulations happen within 24 hours after Hcg jab and that fertilization to happen immediately within the hour too.
Ok lor. What more can i argue with? He has the wide coat, we were in bermudas and T.
Dr's conclusion : Unexplained. Need to do another round of IUI or proceed to IVF, which is most recommended drastic option against time - as i am pushing 36 and Dino dad is pushing 39.
Of course i know that clearly. But spending MYR12,000 does not guarantee me bringing a baby home. What more, with this gloomy economic climate. I want to go for IVF and get this whole baby episode over with, but Dino dad is bending towards traditional chinese meds again. He is worry about the fact that too much hormonal injections into my body can escalate the risk of having female related cancers at later years. Its not proven scientifically but it has been argued and challenged in many medical websites and research papers that posted on the net.
But TCM takes a much longer time, whereas IVF can ensure fertilization happened before putting back into the womb. Anyway, we left the medical center with sour faces at each other and no jab.
Missing a jab on April 3 was a detrimental to our wish to have a ox baby this year. That day was the last day to buy an entry pass into 2009.
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