o A bloating stomach that looked like five-month pregnant,
o Days of diarrhea popped a protruding pile that won't go back in,
o Few bouts of headaches and no panadol allowed,
o Severe lower back pain that hurt to walk,
o Stuffed pillow on sofa or suffer a twisting lower back later,
o Needle-pricks every fourth day,
o Three weeks on flat shoes,
0 Potato-couching for three weeks and cellulite farming
0 Emergency tailoring of two pieces stretchable skirts
0 Missing my beloved jeans for three weeks
0 Grumpy with pain all over the body for three weeks
o Spent RM3,700
And the result, another failed pregnancy attempt.
And yet the dr had once, at the beginning of our visitations, said we shouldn't be difficult to get parent a baby naturally.
Today is the third menses day. Finally managed to draw up the mood to make an entry in this blog with my back seated sprained to the left to balance out the hell in lower back.
Thinking back, the dr didn't not had an vaginal scan on the day he injected the Hcg to stimulate ovulation. Two days before the largest of my eggs was measuring 17mm but i read on fertility websites that say most western dr would wait to reach the preferable size of 20mm. It was on the tip of my tongue with this question but i had chose to not be a smarty-pant instead. Now i curse myself for not exercising my rights.
For two nights Dino dad and i were playing home CSI, trying to phatom where could possibly went wrong. Our answers were all streamlined to the timing of the HcG injection. Perhaps the biggest egg was not matured enough to be popped to the waiting all-good-grade-sperms that, told to me by the embryologist, could only last max two days.
The thought of sex-for-baby-making make us shiver down our spine. Sex now has lost its appeal. Its more like completing missions with tough deadlines. And to think we have to try again make us feel like 80 years old.
From the moments i saw red, Dino dad's coconut oil deals immediate reduced activities. It's almost the third repeat of the exact pattern - activities momentum peaks from the day of conception and immediately slowed when red came. So true meh.... his bazi says his children are the bearer of real wealth. It feels like we are playing played like puppets by destiny and karma. Dino dad's spirit has hit low bar and his LASIk-corrected eyes too are experiencing mid blurring night vision. Sigh......
Arrrrgggg.....my lower back hurts. Got to go lie down.
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