Cortex Cinnamomi (Inner Brack or Saigon Cinnamon) 肉桂 Rou Gui

Warming internal and expel cold
Precaution : Do not use during Pregnancy
Folium Artemisiae Argyi (Mugwort Leaf) 艾叶 Ai Ye

Warms the womb and sterility due to uterine coldness and stops bleeding: used to stop prolonged menstrual and uterine bleeding (for problems such as possible miscarriage), regulate the menses, and calm a restless fetus.
Radix Angelicae Sinensis (Chinese Angelica Root) 当归 Dong Gui

Regulates menstrual cycle (especially after taking pregnancy control pills), easing menstrual pain and cramping, relieves hot flashes during menopause, insomnia, blood pressure stability for both men and women, help anemia, suppressed menstrual flow, uterine bleeding, abdominal pain after childbirth, dry intestines, chronic pelvic disorders, constipation, headaches due to blood deficiency, helps liver utilize more oxygen therefore useful in treating hepatitis and cirrhosis, helps with abnormal protein metabolism, helps dilate peripheral blood vessels, increase circulation and as a mild laxative. Precaution : Not to be used during pregnancy.
Cortex Eucommiae (Eucommia Bark) 杜仲 Du Zhong

Tonic for liver and kidney, strengthens muscles and bones, stabilizing pregnancy, chronic pain in lower back and knees, lack of strength, dizziness, impotence, irregular menses and frequent urination, weakness during pregnancy, unstable pregnancy and excessive movements of fetus.
Rhizoma Corydalis (Corydalis Rhizome) 延胡索 Yan Hu Suo

Promotes circulation of blood and qi to relieve pain.
Precaution : Not to be used during pregnancy.
Radix Astragali (Astragalus) 黃耆 Huang Qi

Increases immunity, rises white blood cell, potentiates anti-tumor effect.
Radix Ginseng (Ginseng Root) 人参 Ren Shen

Replenishes primordial qi, restores pulse and treating collapse, tonifies the spleen and lung, promotes production of body fluid to quench thirst, tranquilizes mind and improving mental power.
Radix Paeoniae Alba (White Peiony Root) 白芍 Bai Shiang

Blood-toning actions, treats various blood imbalances including most menstrual disorders, poor circulation, heat rashes and stop bleeding and prevent miscarriages.
Radix Polygalae (Chinese Senega Root) 元志 Yuan Zhi

Calms the heart and soothes the mind, resolves phlegm and clear the orifices (sense organs)
Semen Sesami Nigrum (Black sesame seed) 黑芝麻

Tonifies liver and kidneys, tonifies Jing and blood for blurred vision, dizziness, tinnitus, premature graying hair, recovery from long term illness, and increase breast milk production. Also for headaches and numbness due to blood or Yin deficiency. Lubricates the intestines, moistens dryness constipation or dry stools due to lack of Yin or blood.
Fructus Amomi (Cardamom - Grains of Paradise Fruit) 砂仁 Sha Ren

Eliminates dampness and promote the circulation of vital energy, strengthens the stomach and stop vomiting, for dampness-syndrome involving spleen-yang and stagnation of spleen energy and stomach energy with feeling of fullness and distending pain in the chest and upper abdomen and loss of appetite, for deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach or dampness-stagnation syndrome with nausea, vomiting,diarrhea, abdominal pain, prevents miscarriage and threatened abortion due to stagnation of vital energy, calms fetus, stabilizes pregnancy for a restless fetus due to an unstable pregnancy, morning sickness, bleeding, and abdominal pain.
Feces Trogopterori (Flying Squirrel Feces) 五灵脂 wŭ líng zhī

Invigorates the blood, relieves Pain for amenorrhea, menses pain, postpartum abdominal pain, epigastric pain and chest pain. Dispels blood stasis, stops bleeding for dark purple uterine bleeding with clots, retained lochia due to stasis. Treats childhood nutritional impairment, eliminates toxin for a variety of insect and snake bites, topically and internally
Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum (Deer Horn Gelatin) 鹿角胶 Lu Jiao Jiao

Heals impotence, spermatorrhea, or frigidity, infertility, emaciation, lassitude, aversion to cold, dizziness, tinnitus, impairment of hearing, back pain accopanied by cold sensation, and weakness of the limbs, abnormal uterine bleeding and leukorrhea, chronic cores difficult to heal.
Note: This herb is considered endangered, toxic an illegal in the United States.
Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong (Szechuan Lovage Root) 川芎 Chuan Xiong

Invigorates blood and moves Qi most effective herbs for all blood and Qi stasis patterns for Gynecological disorders like irregular menses, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, difficult labor, postpartum abdominal pain and retained lochia. Expels wind and relieves pain and headaches due to wind-cold, wind-heat, wind-damp, blood stagnation and blood deficiency.
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (White Atractylodes Rhizome) 白术 Bai Zhu

Tonifies the spleen and supplements the Qi for deficiency in the Middle Jiao with symptoms such as loose stools, diarrhea, fatigue, shortness of breath, sallow complexion, and lowered appetite. Dries dampness, moves and transforms water accumulation. Strengthens the Wei Qi and stops sweating. Stabilizes pregnancy and calms the fetus for restless fetus syndrome caused by lack of nutrition to the fetus caused by spleen Qi deficiency.
Poria (Sclerotium of Tuckahoe, China Root, Poria, Hoelen) 茯苓 Fu Ling

Drains dampness and reduces wwelling for edema of any etiology. Promotes urination for difficult urination and scanty urination due to damp-heat. Tonifies spleen Qi for loose stool, lethargy, and low appetite. Transforms phlegm for spleen deficiency when congested fluids move upward, with symptoms such as dizziness, palpitations, and a thick and greasy tongue coat.
Rhizoma Cyperi (Nut Grass Rhizome) 香附 Xiang Fu

Regulates Qi and spreads liver Qi used for all symptoms associated with liver Qi. Stagnation including pain in the hypochondrium, epigastric region, and abdomen along with fullness used for emotional disturbance, poor appetite, chest congestion and frequent sighing. Regulates menses and relieves pain treats gynecological disorders including dysmenorrheal and irregular menses. Also used for breast distension.
Herba Leonuri (Chinese Motherwort) 益母草 Yi Mu Cao

A very important herb for gynecological disorders due to blood stagnation, regulates blood in the chong and treats irregular menses, amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, heavy menses with clots, fixed abdominal masses, infertility and traumatic pain. Promotes urination, reduces swelling and edema for acute systemic edema especially if blood in the urine. Treats dysuria, scanty urine, chronic edema, heavy sensation in the back and legs, abdominal distension, fullness after meals, sallow complexion, fatigue, listlessness and difficulty moving. For edema associated with chronic nephritis. Also for kidney stones. Clears heat and toxin for dermatological disorders including eczema, sores, lesions, ulcers, itchy rashes, and toxic swellings.
Mel (Honey) 蜂蜜 Feng Mi

Tonifies the spleen and stomach helps raise the appetite, alleviate pain, and supplement energy. Moistens the lungs useful for chronic Lung Deficiency with cough. Lubricates the intestines for dry constipation due to lack of fluids.
Dispels toxins used for both ingested poisons and Heat Toxins in the superficial layers of the body. Aid in preparing medicines help bind powdered herbs together slowing the release of herbs once ingested, which can help in decreasing the frequency of dosing.