- my ovaries - everything in them are normal
- my uterus - initial scan detected 5-6 fibroids but the sizes warranted dr to say 'leave them alone. Too small to be a concern.' Latest vaginal sonograms showed only 2 fibroids. Other than the fibroids, no sign of endometriosis.
- Dino dad's sperm - above average. More than enough to fertilize just one egg.
- Hormones essay - normal except for hypothyroid relapsed but very quickly re-balanced through intake of thyroxine.
- my fallopian tubes - though felt like semi-blocked during the hysterosalpingoram but won't one egg chance getting through in 27 months?
Dec 20, 2009
Unexplained Infertility
Dec 19, 2009
Cycle 28 @ day 24 - GnRH injection
- retrieving the drug from the fridge
- unsealed the syringe
- press out the air from the syrine
- poke syringe into the rubberized cap for drug tab
- draw 200ml of drug
- sanitize my tummy with sterilized cotton buds
- and jab and sanitize again
- growth
- blood pressure
- breast milk production
- sex organ functions in men and women
- thyroid gland function (oh oh oh...it could link to my hypothyroidism relapse)
- converting food to energy (hmm, that's why i always felt bloated)
- water balance in my body (i'm a regular victim of water-retention...oh my)
Dec 17, 2009
cycle 28 @ day 21 (Dec 17, 09) - IVF begins
Dec 2, 2009
Joey Yap Talks About Haunted House
Theoretically then if the Feng Shui is changed, the hauntings should also disappear. Well - we normally don't have any complaints of hauntings from people who live in good Feng Shui houses. In good Feng Shui houses, at most some of the residents would talk about are visits from Angels, deities or happy spirits. Well again - this is could be how they perceive the positive Qi in their home.
Now I'm not saying that ghosts and spirits don't exist. I've heard enough stories that tell me that they do. And I believe they do. I've heard and seen houses where people have suffered a violent death and their souls continue to haunt the house. But let's ask ourselves here - why would there be a violent death in the first place? Surely the place MUST have really bad Feng Shui before such an incident like this could have happened.
So how do we know that a house could be haunted (through understanding its Feng Shui)? You need two things:
1. You need to be very familiar with the classical texts.
2. You need common sense
For instance, from 玄空秘旨 :
Very loosely translated as:
4-6 (Xun Water entangling Qian) Committing Suicide by Hanging
7-3 (Dui Palace with Zhen broken Bright Hall) Disaster leading to Vomiting of Blood
(the actual meaning of thees verses is much more deeper but that, perhaps, we'll leave for another post)
Well, it helps if you know a little face reading as well. A person who is troubled emotionally and spiritually would have 'black qi spots' surrounding his chin, jawbone and mouth area. And his pupils would look dull and lifeless.
How to be rich?

2. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity.
3. An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people.
4. As you grow, your associates will change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on. They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don't help you climb will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision, or choke your dream.
5.Never receive counsel from unproductive people.
6. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how.
7. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person.
8. Don't follow anyonewho's not going anywhere...
9. With some people you spend an evening...with others you invest it.
10. Be carefulwhere you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life.
11. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl...But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.
12. Never make someone a priority when you are only an option for them.
6 Reasons Why You Failed In Your Business

You do not have priority in your management of your business. This is a typical problem caused by the double Bing Fire Resource stars flanking the Day Master. One Resource Star will not cause this problem. But 2 flanking your Day Master, this could distort your ability to keep focused.
2. You involved partners who do not share your vision. Nor do they understand your business model.
We can see this from the effect of the Rob Wealth star inside the month branch, which is participating in a ‘combination’ as well as a ‘harm’ with its neighbors. A Rob Wealth star in business – can represent your business partners (or shareholders). You have a Rabbit and Rooster clash separated by the Dog (RW star in the Month branch). Yet these two “clashing” branches are participating in a “combo” and “harm” relationship with your Rob Wealth Star in the Month Branch. Simply put - this indicates your business partners do not share your vision.
3. Lemme guess – you’ve invested too much in overheads such as office space, inventory, equipment etc …without having a proper plan. Oh wait – don’t tell me you don’t even have a proper cash flow plan!
Your BaZi chart shows a ‘destruction’ between Zi (Wealth Star) and You (Eating God). And … the Wealth Star (Zi) is penetrated to the current Luck Pillar’s Stem – where at the same time it seeks to control the 2 Direct Resource stars (which is its wealth star) in your BaZi Chart. This usually indicates reckless, impulsive spending. Your Wealth Star also is in harm relationship with the current LP.
4. You are unrealistic. Actually, worst, – you are unaware or insensitive to market needs. You are probably doing the things you WANT to do, instead of what your market WANTS from you.
This is indicated by your Year Pillar (which represents your market in Business) which is in a “heaven and earth clash” with your day pillar. But notice that your Day Branch is clashing out, while the Heavenly Stem of the Year is clashing inwards. This is an indication where you are doing what you want, rather than what the market wants.
5. You believe that ‘networking’ and ‘connection’ is what will bring you business success. Whereas you should have focused on VALUE creation.
This is indicated by the fact that you have 2 Bing Fire Resource Stars flanking your chart - and both of these Bing fire are untimely and ‘dark’ in this hour of birth. With this formation – you are prone to just “looking good” but going “nowhere.” Hence you spend a lot of time merely doing networking and connecting – because it’s easy. (Networking and Connecting are basic tenets of a Companion Structure with protruding Resource Stars). Resource star likes to do ‘easy’ things, and things that ‘look good’.
Value, which is represented by the “Wealth” star in your chart, is unfortunately located at the tail end (hour) of your chart and it is in a destruction relationship with your Rooster (Eating God). Eating God represents your method, your way or your style of conducting business. While we like “Eating God to produce Wealth” (which gives you your desire to start and run your own business) … unfortunately this Eating God is in a “Destruction” relationship with the Wealth Star AND while it is harmed by the Dog (Rob Wealth Star) next to it. Together, this indicates that you put VALUE creation as last priority.
6. You do everything by yourself and trust no one. You lack the ability to leverage on your resources.
This is due to the fact that this chart is unable to use the 7 Killings stars effectively while the Resource stars are acting as negative stars. This is translated to problems with delegating work to others. Plus, notice that you are the ONLY Ji Earth in your chart with no other Friend star to help you out.
Solution? – Simple – undo or fix all the 6 things above and you WILL stand a better chance in succeeding in business.
Although your chart indicates obstacles, it does NOT mean you cannot do anything about it. To fix or not to fix is a CHOICE. Now that you know WHERE your problem lies and WHAT caused you to fail, then the obvious solution is for you to TAKE ACTION to change / rectify them. It’s all up to your will power and determination to alter your destiny despite the odds.
If you could not do this, then perhaps – you’d fair better working for others for now at least until 47. This is an alternative route.
Sorry I’ve only got time for 6 points for tonight. It’s been a long day and I’m sleepy now, gotta go to bed. Tomorrow I have another full day at work. Perhaps other members of this list can chip in their thoughts and suggestions for you too.
All the best,
JY ☺
Joey Yap : How Fast Can We See Results?

This is a common question many people ask when you give them a Feng Shui solution. My answer would be - “Well, it depends on how fast is YOUR fast.”
The answer, according to the classical texts is – within a couple of hours! This is what is recorded in the old books about Yang Yun Song's (the Great Grandmaster of Feng Shui) ability.
Can we replicate the same kind of results today? Yes and No.
Yes – if you’ve met the criteria of Heaven-Earth-Man for your Feng Shui set-up.
No – if you haven’t met the criteria.
‘No’ here doesn't mean you don’t get results. It just means you don't get the ‘instant’ results you expect or you don’t get the exact desired result. But if you apply the Feng Shui correctly, you will get some results. (And if you apply incorrectly, a bad result is still a result:-) )
So what does Heaven-Earth-Man mean here? It basically means this: understanding the Feng Shui of the property (the ‘Earth’ component of the equation), taking into consideration the Person (the ‘Man’ component) and choosing the right Time (the ‘Heaven’ component) to activate your set-up. Easy.
But then, you ask, if it’s so easy, why can’t we get instant results all the time?
Because, just like anything easy in life… it’s always easier said than done.
Let me give you an idea of what it is you actually need to do in order to get those instant results:
1. The Landform
You need to assess the “type” of landform in the surrounding area correctly, using the correct method. The ‘correct method’ here means – firstly – you must know how to recognize what type of Water Formation, Mountain Formation, and Land Formation that exists in the area, and subsequently, use the appropriate formula/ Feng Shui system to qualify/assess it.
For instance – is this a White Tiger Opening Mouth Formation, or is this a Reversal Dragon Facing It’s Ancestors Formation? Is it a Green Dragon Crossing the Bright Hall Formation or is this a Lotus Formation? You need to know how to recognize this. Or at minimum, know how to recognize the basic 9 Stars Mountain and Water forms in the vicinity of your property– meaning you can see the location of the Greedy Wolf Star, the Huge Door Star, etc. You also need to recognize where the natural Qi mouth is located. You also need to consider the orientation of the land and the Qi flow direction.
If you can’t identify this, your Feng Shui will sometimes work, or sometimes not work at all. Doesn’t matter what SCHOOL of Feng Shui you’re using – San He, San Yuan, Xuan Kong, or the zillion years of experience you may have. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been practicing Feng Shui from the womb. This is a BASIC requirement. You MUST understand your environment in order to tap into its natural Qi. Without knowing the natural forms, you are guessing, at best, what Qi exist in your property. If you don't know what's there, how are you going to tap the Qi?
The environment governs the magnitude of your end results. The better your natural forms, the better your results.
Naturally, it becomes trickier when you are applying this in the city. It’s not ‘harder’ to do in the city. It’s just a little confusing to the beginner. The landforms are still recognizable despite the many buildings and roads. One needs to train oneself to be able to see this. For the beginners, this is what they tend to ‘miss.’
2. House / Property
You need to know how to connect the Landform to the property via the most appropriate formula or method. You need to know which is the best method to use for that particular house or property within that particular Landform (that you've identified). Do you use Xuan Kong Da Gua, San He, Flying Stars or do you simply use Eight Mansions? Which tool works best for your set-up?
There is no right or wrong method. There is also no ONE SYSTEM that rules them all. Any practitioner who claims he has THE method that rules them all is a complete idiot. Completely ignorant. If you come across one, slap him (or her). There are so many systems of Classical Feng Shui. Each with their own strength and weaknesses. Some formulas work faster, while some are steadier but slower. Some are long term based, while some produce instant results based on your available setup.
Keep in mind that there is only the method that works best for THAT immediate set-up based on the landform you have. A wise practitioner will choose his or her method of assessment wisely. You do need to be able to make an accurate judgment call, based on the facts and information gained from your observations. So while there’s no one magic formula to solve all problems, fumbling around in the dark will also not be very effective either. Combining judgment and knowledge… this is the key to the vault.
3. The Human Factor
It’s obvious that different formulas/methods have different approaches to calculating the Person’s Gua or element. Which will you use? That’s something else you need to take into consideration.
Now that you've studied the environment (natural land formation), the house/property and the person - it's time to select the TIME where you connect all these factors and activate the Qi. This is the Heaven factor in the equation. Each day and hour - we have different daily and hourly stars. Each affecting the home, people and land formation differently.
5. End Result
What is it that you want to achieve? What are the specific results you want? If you don’t know what you want, how will you know your Feng Shui is working? How do you measure the results? (This is the most subjective part of Feng Shui. Because ‘wealth luck’ for instance, is so general and it means different things to different people).
Can all of the above be done? Sure. I’ve done it many, many, many times. Many of my students have also done it many, many, many times. But I cannot say we can do this EACH AND EVERY single time.
I do it for myself as often as possible to help me achieve my goals. Even then I humbly say – I cannot “create” positive results ALL the time. I can get it MOST of the time... but sometimes I get some side effects too. (I will tell you more on this in my next post. Haha …many funny stories.)
This is because there are so many variables to consider. Some results may not be instant because not all the desired components are ALWAYS present. And our goals change from time to time.
For instance, in the Feng Shui set-up – the required natural Mountain or Water Form is missing or simply unavailable. This means the end result that you desire may not be achievable simply because there is no environmental ingredient you can tap into. So here, you need to change your desired end result you wanna achieve. Or maybe, it’s just a matter of not being able to get ‘exactly’ what you want to get. But Feng Shui still works. It just doesn’t work the WAY you intend it to work. (Let’s face it: even YOU don’t work the way you always want yourself to work!)
So let’s say that you have the right Feng Shui set-up. But the timing is not right at that point. The desired date is a month from now. Then – you simply don’t get instant results. You get a one-month-from-now result.
And at other times, it could be that your client just screws it up. I get this sometimes. When you tell them to effect the change (activate the FS set-up) at 12.25 PM, they will do it at 1.25 PM instead or they simply, somehow, miss the time. Or even activate a different sector. Then they blame you for not making it clear despite the fact that you have written it CLEARLY in your email or fax.
Yeah. Shit happens. What can I say? Maybe it’s karma. Maybe it’s heaven’s will. Or maybe, they are just dumb. Who knows.
So … CAN we guarantee results? Sure thing.
But can you guarantee that you do exactly as we say? Can you guarantee that the desired environmental forms are definitely present?
If so, then no prob. Feng Shui always works – 100%.
What if you don't have the required environmental forms? Then what? Then the Feng Shui's effectiveness would drop. Not that it doesn't work at all. Any components that are missing in the equation above decreases the effectiveness of your Feng Shui or the speed in which you will obtain your results.
2010 Bad Feng Shui Sectors
Star 5 Yellow will fly into Southwest sector and that means no renovation (or activate) for SW sector of house or office throughout 2010. If the Southwest room needs some fixing, drilling, or hammering, got to do it before Feb the 4th.
Properties that SIT on the 5 Yellow (meaning, facing Northeast) next year have the extra disadvantage of not being able to perform renovations to the ENTIRE property. This is because the 'Sitting' governs the entire body of the property, hence when a property 'sits' on one particular Star/Qi, the entire property will be affected.
Additionally, the Illness Star 2 Black in the Northeast sector is especially potent in 2010. Instead of the usual cough-cold-fever, ill-health can escalate to growth, paralysis, and even cancer. Hence, try to avoid activating the Northeast sector, or move INTO a Northeast room after Feb 4th 2010.
Here's a TIP: If you are ALREADY in the Northeast room now, try to position your bed in the East small Tai Ji - the annual 6 White is a Metal Star that can weaken the effects of the 2 Black.
Not enough? Okay, here's a trade secret: Using auspicious METAL dates can severely diminish the powers of the #5 and #2 Earth Stars!
Of course, there are exceptions to the general rules. Houses facing Southwest 1 or Northeast 2 have a good chance at wealth prospects, especially when the property market is concerned.
The 3 Killings in the North should not be activated by renovation. Keep still and you should be fine. Otherwise you might risk encountering accidents, robbery, or health complications - add in the annual Star 4, there might even be Peach Blossom scandals and illnesses.
The Grand Duke at Northeast 3
Year Breaker at Southwest 3 should not be 'disturbed'.
Cycle 27 @ day 6 - Began TCM treatment
Dec 1, 2009
Cycle 27 @ day 5 - Hypothyroid relapsed
Nov 30, 2009
Cycle 27 @ day 4 - Be Strong!
Nov 26, 2009
Cycle 26 @ day 29 - I have passed the 1st!
Nov 21, 2009
Cycle 26 @ day 24 - The signs are looking
Nov 13, 2009
The way to the heart through the face

Long eyebrows denote a sentimental and empathetic personality who values ties with other people, while short eyebrows denote a hasty and temperamental personality.
For females, it's desirable that they have New Moon or Willow Leaf eyebrows. The former indicates that they'll be supportive and understanding towards their husband, while the latter denotes good affinity with the opposite sex, and the ability to care for the home.
A long, straight, and tall nose on a female indicates her ability to enhance her husband's luck and bring out his potential.
Since the nose represents the Wealth and Spouse Star for females, a good-quality nose on a woman indicates good husband luck.
A nose that is very high and tall, in proportion to the rest of the face, indicates a very strong ego - and the inability to bend or back down to a partner's will!
The temples at the sides of the forehead, near the corners of the eyes. This denotes the Spouse Palace for both men and women.
Clear and fleshy temples denote a good relationship with the spouse, while scars, dents, veins, moles or discolouration suggest problems and arguments.
It's not desirable for a female to have high, prominent cheekbones - especially when coupled with a high, strong and bony nose. It means a controlling and domineering personality, one that will 'control' the husband too much.
Long, slender eyes with clearly defined pupils and whites bode well for romantic relationships. This denotes a person with a clear heart and mind, unencumbered with worries or excess emotional baggage.
Eyes that are too small denote problems with communication and empathy. These people will not express what's really on their mind, which can lead to long-term issues.
Too-large eyes indicate an emotional, sensitive nature. They will need a lot of attention, especially those with big, round eyes that appear watery. It can be emotionally exhausting and draining for the partner.
These are just some of the simple ways to read a face for relationship outlook. In more advanced forms of Face Reading, there is Combination Position or Multi Position Face Reading, which combines the various disparate features to arrive at a more detailed and exhaustive evaluation.
As such, the balance has changed. As evolution can't be help, the wise approach is to go with the flow and modify our own expectations when it comes to relationships. Along with the change in the "power" balance between men and women, we have to accept the inevitable change of not just financial responsibility, but also in terms of who gets what done However, many women who are strong individuals and who need to accomplish their own goals other than the traditional ones of being a wife, mother and homemaker, commonly want the best of both worlds. They want to pursue a successful career and yet hope to be completely coddled and taken care of by their man. However, we know from a BaZi (and practical) standpoint this does NOT work!
In the meantime, all the best in your attempts at Face Reading... and remember to enjoy the process!
Jessie Lee
MA Instructor
Nov 10, 2009
Cycle 26 @ day 13 - My brother is expecting!!
Nov 8, 2009
The modern relationship in the context of Bazi
Ask any BaZi consultant and you'll find that relationship issues (the romantic kind) are among the most common discussed during a BaZi reading. I often find in my practice and in speaking to fellow consultants that impractical (and oftentimes ignorant) expectations and views are behind the relationship woes of the many clients. We all know the roles of women have evolved tremendously in the past 50 years or so. Women nowadays have risen to be successful corporate, political leaders, business people and can hold enormous influence and power. How do we relate such change and progress to the concept of balance in the BaZi chart?
The factor that denotes capability and ability to express and use talents and skills is the Output element. As such the stronger, more vibrant and better quality the Output element, the better the person is able to express oneself, perform and in general, get things done. All these are, of course, crucial factors for success as defined by modern society. Alas, too strong an Output also puts stress on the Influence element-which for women denotes the husband or romantic other half.
As such, a common occurrence for successful women is that they tend to be too opinionated, aggressive and expressive - all qualities that, we have to realistically admit, diminish the traditional role of men as the decision-maker and dominant party in a relationship. But of course, the "traditional" role of men also encompassed being completely responsible of the well-being of their partners and children in terms of protection, security and basic needs, while being in charge of projects and day-to-day endeavours.
As such, the balance has changed. As evolution can't be help, the wise approach is to go with the flow and modify our own expectations when it comes to relationships. Along with the change in the "power" balance between men and women, we have to accept the inevitable change of not just financial responsibility, but also in terms of who gets what done However, many women who are strong individuals and who need to accomplish their own goals other than the traditional ones of being a wife, mother and homemaker, commonly want the best of both worlds. They want to pursue a successful career and yet hope to be completely coddled and taken care of by their man. However, we know from a BaZi (and practical) standpoint this does NOT work!
If you have traits that make you a successful corporate, business or powerful woman, chances are you'll end up overshadowing your man, find it difficult to find someone who matches your caliber or have difficulty maintaining your relationship. In such a case, you'll find you need to lower your expectations and accept that you may need to be the breadwinner or contribute to the financial aspect of the relationship (at least to some extent).
Similarly, guys who are the archetype of the new-age, sensitive male-for example, one who is able to relate to feelings and sentiment, be nurturing and caring-also find that they're unable to completely "wear the pants" in a relationship. Such males tend to have fleeting relationships and have trouble maintaining long-term relationships. And since they literally have trouble controlling their Wealth element (which stands for literal wealth, management style and ahem, also their "better" half), then financially they tend to be unstable or have difficulty accumulating wealth.
So ladies, be prepared to have to bear some financial responsibility in general if you're into the new-age kind of guy (or alternatively, if you're the ambitious sort when it comes to career). And similarly, guys who fit this mould need to accept that they can't be in charge of all decisions nor be in complete control. Such understanding, compromise and practice from both genders are needed to keep the "modern" relationship alive and well!
Toh Kong Eu
MA Instructor
Cycle 26 @ day 11 - Time flies

Nov 4, 2009
Oct 26, 2009
Oct 23, 2009
Cycle 25 @ day 23......
Time seemed drifting by faster and more meaning for September and October as i've enrolled myself in an Advance Diploma in Psychology Counselling and attending classes on every Saturday. The past third week was exceptional busy in preparing examination papers as well as reserach reading. Whow...its been a long long time since i left schooling. Getting back on felt weird at the beginning. But the Singaporean leacture Henry Tan was admirable. Aside from being a full time licensed senior counselor at Singapore HIV center, he teached colleages and an active Christian preacher. The commendable aspect of him was that he carried counseling not the religious way, but the universa way. I totally missed him as a preacher if he did not extend his namecard at the end of the module 1. Applaudable.
Tomorrow class resumes after a week Deepavali break. I managed to catch up back on some blogging. My fertility treatment remains regime despite busier time table. And Dino dad remains hardworking in making himself a father. Its good to keep myself busy. I am less stressed up counting days and pleasantly moderating my moods.
What that...i've got hits of big visions of my destiny choices the next 3 years. I've better get working on this visions than to count.
To clash or not to clash
This week, let's take a look at the concept of the "clash" of the Earthly Branches in BaZi. Recall that each natal BaZi chart contains four Earthly Branches -- namely the four animal signs in the Year, Month, Day and Hour Pillars (in addition, there are the Earthly Branches of the Luck and Annual Pillars). A clash to the Earthly Branches means that one (or more) of the Earthly Branches encounters a direct, opposing branch. This can occur within the natal BaZi chart itself or between the branches in a natal chart with the Luck or Annual Pillars.
Now, the main thing is that a clash of course is not to be feared and does not necessary mean a bad thing! In general, however, clashes do indicate changes, usually abrupt and obvious ones. As clashes indicate head-on changes, their effects are obvious and typically obviously felt - so it is a good idea to usually prepare ourselves when we predict a clash occurring either in the Luck or Annual Pillars.
Whether a clash is deemed good or not is usually dependent on how "favourable" the victorious element of a clash is. For example, in the clash of a Rat (Water element) and a Horse (whose main Qi is Fire), the victorious branch is typically the Rat (as Water puts out Fire). This is one determinant. We also have to examine whether the more favourable element is removed or introduced. Continuing with the Rat/Horse example, let's assume that there is a Rat branch in a natal BaZi chart and a BaZi evaluation tells us that the element of Ding fire is needed. In the Luck Pillar of the Horse, generally the introduction of Fire via the Horse, even though it is "rejected" by the Rat (hence, manifesting as the Rat/Horse clash), is good for the person in question. There will be unsettling changes in store of course ... but the discomfort will be beneficial for the person's life.
For today's article, let's also examine the effects of the clash to different parts of the BaZi chart. As the Year Branch indicates the external-most part of the chart, a clash here indicates a change in the external environment of the person in question. These external changes can manifest in circumstances as relocation, migration or travel for the person undergoing the clash. A Clash in the Year Branch can also mean accidents or mishaps which hurt the external body. As the Year Pillar also denotes the relationship with one's grandparents and childhood friends, a clash here may also mean separation from (or in some cases, the death of) such parties.
The Month Branch is the foremost indication of one's key character since it denotes the immediate family environment when one is growing up. As such, any clash here means not only a crucial change in the person's key attitudes but possibly a change in the parental home or parental relationship. In addition, as the Month Pillar is also an indicator of one's immediate work environment and relationship with the superior, a clash here denotes such a corresponding change - he or she may be transferred to a different department or alternatively, his or her superior may be replaced!
A clash to the Day Branch is usually much-feared as it typically denotes marital or spousal problems. However, a clash to the Day Branch could simply mean a change in residence or renovations to the home. Alternatively, it could also mean hurting the lower part of the body or perhaps even surgery.
Parents especially, should be wary of a clash to the Hour Branch as this denotes issues (for example, separation) with one's children. As one's subordinates are also akin to one's children, a clash to the Hour Branch can also denote a turnover in subordinates or even the type of work that a person does. Besides these, a clash to the Hour Branch can cause a feeling of unease and unsettling thoughts for the person experiencing the clash.
Toh Kong Eu
MA Instructor
Day Pillar = All in a day's work

Now, of course sometimes we do not get to choose the best time to go out - always bear in mind what's happening to your house's dynamic Feng Shui. Dynamic what? I'm going to assume that since this newsletter is reaching you, you must be an ardent observer of Feng Shui - and therefore, by default you must have a 'Bright Hall' outside AND inside your main door.
(If you really have no idea what a 'Bright Hall' is, you have no choice but to get this book.)
Back to dynamic Feng Shui - I was referring to the annual and monthly Flying Stars at your main door. Why? This is a good indicator of your wealth prospects for the month:
Month Star produce Annual Star: Expect some financial gains. Clients will be very friendly and cooperative.
Month Star the same element with Annual Star: Maintained status quo. Extremely lovely clients.
Month Star counters Annual Star: Some wealth gains. But cranky clients.
Month Star depletes Annual Star: Client requires 'a lot of persuasion.'
Month Star countered by Annual Star: Client will Feng Shui his/her own house.
The 'Host and Guest' relationship between two Stars (or Star and Palace) is often discussed in Xuan Kong Feng Shui. We often generalize that Star combinations like 8-9 and 1-4 are good stuff, but fail to see that sometimes, the good stuff happens without truly 'benefiting' us! For example, if your Annual Star is #9, and the monthly Star that flew in is a #8, you have a case of Fire 'producing out' to the Earth. What this could mean is that, while yes, you will experience a 'happy event' (#9 is the Happiness Star), and money is involved (#8 is a Wealth Star), but because of this 'produce outwards' relationship - it looks like you'll be spending money at someone else's wedding or charity ball instead!
My reply was, "Would you take a cooked chicken and stick it in your oven again?" Too much of anything is never good. After all, Feng Shui is fundamentally the study of Yin-Yang balance.
For example, before moving out to seize the day (Yang), always fill yourself with a hearty breakfast (Yin).
Sherwin Ng
MA Instructor
Thriving through the rest of the ox year

Time sure flies, even in this plodding Earth Ox year! We're already almost in the last quarter of this Chinese Solar Year and initial plans are already afoot to welcome the upcoming Metal Tiger year from the perspective of astrology and changing Feng Shui energies. The Earth Ox year has certainly been a challenging and confusing year for many. Alas, the reality is that we still need to face the remainder of the next four months; so let's revisit some key reminders (mostly based on simple 5 element deductions) on how we can make the best of the next 4 months or so.
The Earth Ox year is best visualized by a pile of cold, stacking earth. Hardly a picture of growth, rosy health or clarity in thought! The excess of the earth element is difficult for most of us in terms of BaZi; even those whose favourable element is earth have likely found this a challenging year. The year has brought with it the danger of disease, natural disasters and slow growth in the world economy. While most of us can't really expect to achieve successful fruition of our endeavours this year, nonetheless we should think long term. This is a good year to start new endeavours andinitiate new ideas and goals. The earth allows us to "germinate" and "seed" new projects and take a new direction in life.
However, as plants take time to grow, we should also guard against having too high expectations of quick success and achievement. In fact, if you haven't already discovered by now, longer term visions, goals and plans work much better this year than endeavours that thrive on rapid turnover and quick results-this is a good way to work with the earth element. Also, any endeavour that involves the wood element such as teaching, designing, agriculture- most of anything that involves growth and creativity-- will thrive. A dose of creativity in any endeavour will ease any blockage or obstacle that we encounter.
As fire energy is outwardly weak this year, using the qualities of fire will also help. The fire element will warm-up the cold earth, making it slightly easier to manage. So, we should stay passionate and joyful. Look for and do things that make you happy. Stay happy! As the Ox (being a graveyard animal sign) also makes us more contemplative and inward, this provides a great opportunity to explore spirituality, or perhaps even religion (since these belong to the fire element). Invest in self-cultivation and study. Look for ways to improve your life and its current circumstances, to the extent of maybe even taking a new direction if such a time has arrived!
The excess earth not only makes us contemplative but also blurs communication while causing excessive stress and worry. This is especially so with charts that already have an excess of metal and water. In addition, those with excess earth will also feel pressured and misunderstood; even to the extent of being paranoid and suspicious. As one key benefit of understanding astrology is taking stock of what is happening internally, those afflicted with such excess earth should always look at the brighter side of things and acknowledge that most of one's fear, suspicion and negative thinking this year can be mostly or perhaps even entirely baseless. As the Earth Ox is hardly conducive for clear communication, it is better to be open, clear and forthright when communicating since the chance for miscommunication is already so high.
Lastly, we need to be continuously mindful of health as the Ox has brought increased health risks and higher mortality rates. We should observe good personal hygiene, take precaution of health risks (such as H1N1), eat healthy, and also get adequate exercise and sleep. To stay psychologically healthy, we also need to be physically healthy!
Toh Kong Eu
MA Instructor
Oct 6, 2009
30-9-09 - Bye Bye Legal Ah Long

To celebrate our release, hubby and i patted each other's back and yamseng-ed teh tarik at Nainas mamak nearby our house.