About the same time last year, they had their first carrying but the fetus heart stopped beating at week 8. Hence, it was aborted through D&C. With that incident, the dr. had prompted several series of tests on Kian, sister-in-law. The results diagnosed Kian was a lupus-potent, an autoimmune condition that the antibody coating the red blood cells is attacking its own body whenever there emergence of foreign body. Even though non-conclusive, we were all suspecting that the autoimmune condition could have killed the baby.
Kian started more series of testings, cost hundreds of Ringgit each test, to monitor the development of the condition while undergoing intensive traditional chinese treatment at Tung Shin hospital. RM400 per bi-weekly prescription. It all seems worthwhile now confirmed by the weekly heartbeat scans at the clinic. The estimated due date would be middle of May 2010. This baby will be the first 3rd generation of our family and the first grandchild to my father aged 73.
Today, I have scolded my brother upside down for being a smarty-pant deciding to delay taking the amniocentesis test. Though its really an expensive test that probably costs between RM800-RM1200, but Kian's stabilized condition summons the urgency.
I am happy for them though i pained inside in pity of my own failures. I just couldn't understand why i am being tortured with these continuous failings. Just last week, my fertility dr had just reconfirmed all my vitals are fine; my tubes not that blocked as i thought, my fibroids are not inside my womb, my hormones are in balance and Dino dad's sperm-count and vitals are above average. And still i can't conceive naturally!!!!! 
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