Dec 20, 2009

Unexplained Infertility

Ok. Here's the news. said 10-20% of couples experience infertility problems will have the syndrome of 'unexplained infertility'. Its already considered small as a percentage as compared to the domineering 80% of women who CAN conceive naturally. But bear in mind the problems like endometriosis, failure of ovulation, tubal damage, cysts, fibroids, azoospermia, hormonal imbalance, PCOS have taken up nearly half of the 20%. The remaining half encompasses the dreaded 'unexplained infertility'.... like my case.

After numerous test and few thousand MYR and one failed IUI, the reports declared that:
  • my ovaries - everything in them are normal
  • my uterus - initial scan detected 5-6 fibroids but the sizes warranted dr to say 'leave them alone. Too small to be a concern.' Latest vaginal sonograms showed only 2 fibroids. Other than the fibroids, no sign of endometriosis.
  • Dino dad's sperm - above average. More than enough to fertilize just one egg.
  • Hormones essay - normal except for hypothyroid relapsed but very quickly re-balanced through intake of thyroxine.
  • my fallopian tubes - though felt like semi-blocked during the hysterosalpingoram but won't one egg chance getting through in 27 months?

Its karma having to fall into this bracket of people. Even malnourished African and Indian women or the aborigines are giving birth like pigs and their kids grow up healthy to marry the other half to continue the breeding cycle.


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