This is a common question many people ask when you give them a Feng Shui solution. My answer would be - “Well, it depends on how fast is YOUR fast.”
The answer, according to the classical texts is – within a couple of hours! This is what is recorded in the old books about Yang Yun Song's (the Great Grandmaster of Feng Shui) ability.
Can we replicate the same kind of results today? Yes and No.
Yes – if you’ve met the criteria of Heaven-Earth-Man for your Feng Shui set-up.
No – if you haven’t met the criteria.
‘No’ here doesn't mean you don’t get results. It just means you don't get the ‘instant’ results you expect or you don’t get the exact desired result. But if you apply the Feng Shui correctly, you will get some results. (And if you apply incorrectly, a bad result is still a result:-) )
So what does Heaven-Earth-Man mean here? It basically means this: understanding the Feng Shui of the property (the ‘Earth’ component of the equation), taking into consideration the Person (the ‘Man’ component) and choosing the right Time (the ‘Heaven’ component) to activate your set-up. Easy.
But then, you ask, if it’s so easy, why can’t we get instant results all the time?
Because, just like anything easy in life… it’s always easier said than done.
Let me give you an idea of what it is you actually need to do in order to get those instant results:
1. The Landform
You need to assess the “type” of landform in the surrounding area correctly, using the correct method. The ‘correct method’ here means – firstly – you must know how to recognize what type of Water Formation, Mountain Formation, and Land Formation that exists in the area, and subsequently, use the appropriate formula/ Feng Shui system to qualify/assess it.
For instance – is this a White Tiger Opening Mouth Formation, or is this a Reversal Dragon Facing It’s Ancestors Formation? Is it a Green Dragon Crossing the Bright Hall Formation or is this a Lotus Formation? You need to know how to recognize this. Or at minimum, know how to recognize the basic 9 Stars Mountain and Water forms in the vicinity of your property– meaning you can see the location of the Greedy Wolf Star, the Huge Door Star, etc. You also need to recognize where the natural Qi mouth is located. You also need to consider the orientation of the land and the Qi flow direction.
If you can’t identify this, your Feng Shui will sometimes work, or sometimes not work at all. Doesn’t matter what SCHOOL of Feng Shui you’re using – San He, San Yuan, Xuan Kong, or the zillion years of experience you may have. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been practicing Feng Shui from the womb. This is a BASIC requirement. You MUST understand your environment in order to tap into its natural Qi. Without knowing the natural forms, you are guessing, at best, what Qi exist in your property. If you don't know what's there, how are you going to tap the Qi?
The environment governs the magnitude of your end results. The better your natural forms, the better your results.
Naturally, it becomes trickier when you are applying this in the city. It’s not ‘harder’ to do in the city. It’s just a little confusing to the beginner. The landforms are still recognizable despite the many buildings and roads. One needs to train oneself to be able to see this. For the beginners, this is what they tend to ‘miss.’
2. House / Property
You need to know how to connect the Landform to the property via the most appropriate formula or method. You need to know which is the best method to use for that particular house or property within that particular Landform (that you've identified). Do you use Xuan Kong Da Gua, San He, Flying Stars or do you simply use Eight Mansions? Which tool works best for your set-up?
There is no right or wrong method. There is also no ONE SYSTEM that rules them all. Any practitioner who claims he has THE method that rules them all is a complete idiot. Completely ignorant. If you come across one, slap him (or her). There are so many systems of Classical Feng Shui. Each with their own strength and weaknesses. Some formulas work faster, while some are steadier but slower. Some are long term based, while some produce instant results based on your available setup.
Keep in mind that there is only the method that works best for THAT immediate set-up based on the landform you have. A wise practitioner will choose his or her method of assessment wisely. You do need to be able to make an accurate judgment call, based on the facts and information gained from your observations. So while there’s no one magic formula to solve all problems, fumbling around in the dark will also not be very effective either. Combining judgment and knowledge… this is the key to the vault.
3. The Human Factor
It’s obvious that different formulas/methods have different approaches to calculating the Person’s Gua or element. Which will you use? That’s something else you need to take into consideration.
Now that you've studied the environment (natural land formation), the house/property and the person - it's time to select the TIME where you connect all these factors and activate the Qi. This is the Heaven factor in the equation. Each day and hour - we have different daily and hourly stars. Each affecting the home, people and land formation differently.
5. End Result
What is it that you want to achieve? What are the specific results you want? If you don’t know what you want, how will you know your Feng Shui is working? How do you measure the results? (This is the most subjective part of Feng Shui. Because ‘wealth luck’ for instance, is so general and it means different things to different people).
Can all of the above be done? Sure. I’ve done it many, many, many times. Many of my students have also done it many, many, many times. But I cannot say we can do this EACH AND EVERY single time.
I do it for myself as often as possible to help me achieve my goals. Even then I humbly say – I cannot “create” positive results ALL the time. I can get it MOST of the time... but sometimes I get some side effects too. (I will tell you more on this in my next post. Haha …many funny stories.)
This is because there are so many variables to consider. Some results may not be instant because not all the desired components are ALWAYS present. And our goals change from time to time.
For instance, in the Feng Shui set-up – the required natural Mountain or Water Form is missing or simply unavailable. This means the end result that you desire may not be achievable simply because there is no environmental ingredient you can tap into. So here, you need to change your desired end result you wanna achieve. Or maybe, it’s just a matter of not being able to get ‘exactly’ what you want to get. But Feng Shui still works. It just doesn’t work the WAY you intend it to work. (Let’s face it: even YOU don’t work the way you always want yourself to work!)
So let’s say that you have the right Feng Shui set-up. But the timing is not right at that point. The desired date is a month from now. Then – you simply don’t get instant results. You get a one-month-from-now result.
And at other times, it could be that your client just screws it up. I get this sometimes. When you tell them to effect the change (activate the FS set-up) at 12.25 PM, they will do it at 1.25 PM instead or they simply, somehow, miss the time. Or even activate a different sector. Then they blame you for not making it clear despite the fact that you have written it CLEARLY in your email or fax.
Yeah. Shit happens. What can I say? Maybe it’s karma. Maybe it’s heaven’s will. Or maybe, they are just dumb. Who knows.
So … CAN we guarantee results? Sure thing.
But can you guarantee that you do exactly as we say? Can you guarantee that the desired environmental forms are definitely present?
If so, then no prob. Feng Shui always works – 100%.
What if you don't have the required environmental forms? Then what? Then the Feng Shui's effectiveness would drop. Not that it doesn't work at all. Any components that are missing in the equation above decreases the effectiveness of your Feng Shui or the speed in which you will obtain your results.
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