"Can succeed in conceiving."
As convincing as a decree laid upon me. As invigorating as a resurrection. To hear these words spoken directly to me brought tears to my eyes. It felt like died and returned. Perished hopes rebuilt. Wow renewed. Most wonderful words i've heard in months.
"The soonest is by lunar August or the latest is by lunar November".
As waves of emotions risen to pound on my senses as if to raise the dead in me to welcome the good news. No. I don't mean i'm pregnant now. But at least, for now, its the kind of words i needed to hear badly though my scientific mind is in its constant loops of reminding that proof is to be deemed ultimate. Somehow, i think i deserved to give myself a little hideaway into the believe-land so that i can thrash out the overhaul and rekindle the fire to try again. Reconditioning my mental energy to psych myself up to start counting cycles again.
Never mind letting go off my favorite sashimi. Keeps my hands off watermelon for a longer while and to continue the bitterness healthcare. We are going to welcome our first Tiger baby or babies next year. Yes! we can. And we will.
And most importantly, if this method really works, championing it would be a part of my life's missions, dedicated to all parents wannabe.
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