With lots of determination and self-control, i have pushed aside the great heartbreak that started since that fateful night on July 9. Somehow, as if there was a divine working magic in dousing out my sorrow temporarily to make way for a wonderful afternoon 2.45pm romp at home - to make a baby, of course. Suddenly it seemed all fallen pieces fell right back to its supposedly position by an unseen force so that the reality of having little dinos be deposited inside my canal to swim in direction for the egg on this very day with clear -stretchy mucous is evident.
We could have missed this important day. I could have continued my outburst and spoilt this day. But i didn't. Thank to all gods, the sex went well, though not perfect. That's all i would cared for now.
I didn't even have space left in my heart to symphatize the death of Teoh Beng Hock's extremely tragic but suspicious death. I am now very consumed with the thoughts of consumating all possible fertile days left of this month from today onwards. Its got to be a success. Gods know i have tried too many cycles. And we have put 'the method' to use. Please make it work.
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