The pain caused by flushing of my tubes are all gone now. Diarrhea stopped too. Dr. assured me that the pain was a good sign that my tubes are patent.
Next stage of investigation: Ovulation scan, on Feb 8, 10am (Sunday). It was a nice breezy morning drive throughout the journey to Klang.
Reached the center at 9.30am and there were already four couples waiting their turns. These people are early. It was Sunday, man.
I was kinda good mood until the nurse told me that the Dr couldn't make it.
I mean, it was a very important TTC step, well, at least to us, and another Dr would not grasp the magnitude of it. Having driven some 25km, we'd decided to settle with the replacement Dr. We knew the process anyway. We adjourned to the opposite mamak store to have a breakfast of nasi lemak bungkus and cham while listening to the cheerful chipping of numerous swiftlets zooming playfully nearby a bird-shop-lot.
It's our turn. We went in and surprised to see our favorite Dr. He made it to work! Immediately we felt relieved. "Prop on the bed to do an ovulation test", Dr told me and then turned to advised the nurse "vaginal scan". Damn! I thought to myself. Another poke with that thing!!
(Swore silently).
18.4cm - the size of my egg, and its coming from the right ovary. I saw it, a big blackened round image shown on the screen.
Dr declared "Get together today onwards". Aw.... doc is such a modest guy.
I pretended an emotionless face
while my throat convulsed with laughters. Dr continued "the egg will be released in another two days".
Good to know as this is the first time we documented my ovulation through trans-vaginal ultrasound. What did i do previously? Oh yeah, observing mucous...whoa hahaha.
However, Dino dad's sperm morphology indicated caution. It dropped to 29%. It didn't surprised us. He has been on heavy dosages of antibiotic for high fever, sore throat and synflex for headaches since the fifth day of Chinese Year.
And worst of all, he was diagnosed with middle-ear-imbalance yesterday and Dr loaded another bulging-filled bag of medication for it.
Upon quieting down in the afternoon, we looked at each other, shaked our heads and sighhhhhhh......... 
. We decided to go for IUI instead but alas, Thaipusam was on the next day. Feeling gloomy, i spent the remaining 4 hours of the afternoon cleaning my one-year-untouched storeroom while Dino dad went for his business appointment with a metal buyer. Look what i found tugged deep inside my dungeon - my original oil-painting Mona Lisa. Alas, the condition has weathered badly.
After dinner, we went to checked out the latest movie-dvds at our favorite shop and i stumbled upon Rhonda Burne's The Secret dvd. Its not liked i have seen it for the first time. I have seen it for a 50th times and this time, i bought it. I still don't know what made me decide to buy that night but i am sure glad i did.
After finishing the reel, we made love.
Though the thoughts of medicinal side effects loomed at the back of our heads, somehow The Secret had given birth in me a sense of confidence that only good sperms
will fertilize my egg this cycle. And yes, we are going to have another romp tomorrow night too.
Today, another strange 'first' i noticed on my physiology. I am and have been heavy bloating as were those symptoms usually felt on the premenstrual days. My breasts are starting to swell and i'm sure i have not even ovulated yet! I feel fertile and i'm not on any medication. Could it be my wish is working? It could also mean that all my fibroids gotten bigger too and that can be a hazard. I sure hope we can be refunded with the RM8,000 deposited for IVF procedure if i can conceive naturally and successfully this cycle.... pray, 

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