And it hurts like hell after that!!

The pain is lessening this evening, but it still hurt to walk two steps faster. Well, at least i can feel the vast different from yesterday onslaughts of monstrous contraction pain that started 45 minutes after yesterday's Ultrasonicsalpingiogram and followed by continuous sharp abdominal pain throughout the the night and a full day.
Ultrasonicsalpingiogram - an outpatient procedure to flush ultrasonic dense fluid into my uterine cavity and throughout both of my fallopian tubes to detect any tubal blockage. The fluid then flew out from the end of the fallopian tubes and fill up the side of my uterus and 'pouch of Douglas which is the cavity between my uterus and rectum.
In the hospital's website, it stated that patients may feel pain and discomfort at pelvic area after the test if her tubes are not blocked. It is so damn right alright. It pains like hell!! Doc did warned that the pain is going to be ten times stronger than a menstrual pain but he presented the pain in a 'casual' manner until the PAIN hit home some 45 minutes later. He could have made gloomy faces and i could have prepared myself for it. That contraction was pain-of-the-year. Hell! it pained like I'd just had a fresh Cesarean wound. The struggling zapped my energy and put me to sleep easily. I couldn't walk because each step sent vibration to my abdomen and trigger sharp pangs. And when i did walk, i walked like a hump-back person. I even spiked a fever last evening that lasted till this afternoon. Let me count, in a span of 24 hours, i have downed 4 paracetamol 500mg for fever and 6 of that no-name orange painkillers.

It has never surfaced in my research over the fertility investigation procedures that Ultrasonic Salpingogram can cause this incredible pain. Otherwise i would have prepared for it.
Again, no matter how informed i was about how salpingogram is done, i couldn't have avoided a bad luck day. Yesterday, the volume of patients tripled. And the doc had to ran off to an emergency upstairs when i was just 1 patient behind. Having waited idly for 2 hours i finally seated next to my doc. And if that was not the bad, see next. The doc was so occupied with 'emergency calls', he hurried with my case. There i was, lying on the bed naked from waste down with knees propped up. The doc, in fast motion, shoved an opener (i think it was similar to that used during pap-smearing procedure) into my vaginal and then proceeded to shove more 'tools' in till i pained buttock-up. Before the pain subside, a catheter has gone through my cervix and uterus. And when i thought all violation was over, the doc shove the vaginal ultrasound scanner and started telling the nurse to pressure-pump the fluid while he guided the scanner in search of my uterus and the fallopian tubes.
I was offended, of course. Hey, i am a paying customer, and i am not in a government hospital at paying subsidized rate. When i was about to mouth my discontent the doc said "see the moving dots? that shows fluid is passable." Really, my heart started to sing. Then doc found the left tube but the fluid didn't fly too well even at full pressure pump. Suddenly it was all done.
The next few minutes flew by hastily and dazedly. I remembered did not congratulate me, he did not summarized blockage, he just went on to tell me my hormone report indicated 'normal', he picked up an inter-com replied "I'm coming", told us to come back on Feb 8 to do an ovulation test and we left.
Now when the pain is slowly subsiding i am able to think out of my foggy brain. Actually, we should be fabulous that both tubes are patent. Otherwise it could turn messy and expensive to be subjected to laparoscopy.
Oh, by the way, the room Dino dad had his first load shot outside home was quite funny. It was a small room dimly lit with yellow light and the walls were decked with three naked blondies in decent poise, you know, the type fit for hospital...hohohoho..... and the nurse might have thought i was gonna give Dino dad a hand at that...