Spotting!!! Mild. About 6pm...............
why? why? why? why?
The spottings came right after i had a hell of an afternoon worked-up with cooridnating with a client's incompetence that knows no bound and a supplier's impertinence that knows no limit. all for meeting a cut-throat deadline set by The Star newspaper and was made worst by client's 'forever-amateurish' time planning skill that is always on the expense of the agency.
Spent the whole afternoon practically
. Could this lead to the spotting? Can't be so accurate! I remembered Master Joey Yap cautioned me that i should put all work aside once i conceived. He has repeatedly mentioned during the consultation that i should take good care of the pregnancy BUT, I NEED TO MAKE A LIVING. Dino dad and i don't have half a million cash stashed away in a bank. This was just an afternoon event that has had happened countless times in my whole working life, only except that i am pregnant this time. Yeah, sure.
Spotting is mild and dark brown. Previously, this symptom indicated a menstrual cycle could happen anytime now. Oh god! please help to retain this baby. Of course, we do understand if its not healthty, we should let nature takes it course. Sighhhhhhh............
We tried to cheer ourselves up last evening hopeful that we could revert our mood by watching our newly acquired all 8-season The 70s Show. But we didn't get to. Ended up watching Amazing Race Asia and got myself worked up again seeing that blasted Philipine couple 'U-turned' the Singaporean women. What a pair of screwd bastards! When are they gonna learn to play fair! This is the only pair in this season who have chose to exercise their given rights to hault others. I so hated to see Bernie and Henry elimiated of this race by this blasted pair who claimed exercising their rights to yield is like purchasing an insurance policy for themselves. Aarrrggggg..........
Why should i be bothered by this, uh? Oh, Buddha, i have too much anger inside me.
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