Nov 2, 2008

Week 4 : Feeling peace

Finally, a stork stopped by my house to drop a baby!!!!!

No period- checked!

No spotting during wiping - checked!

Bloating - checked!  Lesser today. Probably due to the new herbal pills Sinseh started me on yesterday.

Breast tenderness - checked! Consistent timing and intensity.

Morning sickness /nausea  - checked! None.

Basal temperature - checked! Remain moderately high.

Breast size - checked!  Remain slightly larger than usual.

Nipples size - checked!  Remain  twice bigger than usual.n
Constipation - checked! Remain In Loo
Energy -  checked!  Remain 

Fatigue - checked!  Experienced tiredness in the early afternoon during weekday. Weekend seems more energetic, probably i have recuperated with 11 hours of sleep the night before.

Frequent Urination - checked! Errrr, not that obvious yet.

Pregnancy Test Kit - Refuse to take.

According to BabyCenter, the counting of the pregnancy always starts from the first day of my last menstrual period, which was exactly on October 2, 2008, around 4 in the afternoon. So that makes me week 4 pregnant by now. Yeeeeepeeeeee!  

Dino dad so wanted to call up the parents about this good news. But i insisted that we wait until we reach week 8 to be really sure.

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