Happy is happy, but the waiting is driving me nuts. Been wiping leukorrhea more than 20 times a day. Why? This whitis dischrage has never ever happened before. If to base on 28-day cycle, i should be flushing now. And i am reluctant to buy the test kit. Having had been constantly disappointed with 'that' single line. NO! Not buying any test kit. (But the waiting is killing...arrrggghh)
To base on the last period first day will mean crossing the final line - Nov 2. To cross that without mensus would definitely means pregnant finally. By Nov 2 would be a 31-day cycle, could happen but its rare in my mensus history. My breasts tenderness remain mild and light throughout these few days and they get stronger only in the late afternoon between 4-5.30pm. Though mild but consistent. Nipples' diameter remain slightly larger than normal but nothing absolute to call it pregnant. Basal temperature remain consistently high but could be due to the weather too. It has been dry for more than 5 days.
Time to visit Sinseh this coming Saturday. I sure hope she can tell if i'm pregnant but feeling on my pulses. Meanwhile, i keep driving myself mad 
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