Finally, a baby has entered our home. His name is JiaRae. Nicknamed RaeRae. But grandma's favorite is Rae Jai.

My private moment with my 2-weeks-old son

2-minutes-old Baby Rae straight out of the womb and out of the delivery theatre. Born preterm at week 36, but fortunately his wails told us he was fully matured, and healthy at 3kg.

1-hour-old Baby Rae cleaned and swaddled. And in mommy's favorite kitty cap.

1-week-old Baby Rae being burped by Dino dad. Baby's eyes are opened but not seeing, though miraculously his eyes met the camera.

Now at 19-days-old, RaeRae's features are more profound and distinctive. Boy! Isn't he a handsome baby?
"Dear Raerae, with your arrival, mommy and daddy can close the trying-to-conceive chapter of our lives, simply because our twenty-four-sevens are dedicated to answering your wails, changing nappy, burping you, bathing you, and when you are deeply asleep, we watched endearingly with hearts so filled, and warm, we no longer feel the void existed."
And to all who have been following this blog, thank you for reading. I hope the best to you all.
Signing off,
Dino mom
1 comment:
Rae is lovely.
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