Mar 10, 2011

I'd had Laparoscopic Salpingostomy

Good thing that i had had insisted on it. And it was a good thing that i had listened to Dino dad for his decision to go for surgery.

Because, any later would have resulted me to not save my left tube.

My left tube is saved, matter-factly. Doc had written such in my insurance claim form.

Dr was able to save my tube because the sac was still smaller than 2cm and it was implanted near the far end of my left tube. (How i'd wished the sac had swam a bit more to reach my womb....aiiiiiiiiiii)

Now when the storm cloud is beginning to clear, i think i should, at the least, be thankful that i still have my left tube intact.


ivf journey for baby said...

would like to contact you via email as i am going through the ivf journey as well. i can be contacted at


lupie said...

Keep well!