Aug 2, 2009

Cycle 23 : day #30 - Spotting red!

Haiiiii...... another pending failure.MySpace
I am sure it will start flowing tonight. Its been proving many times before with this sign. I guess i will again, entitle myself to some pampering routine in the next few days. Its something i would give myself a temporary hideaway from cruel reality. For this failing cycle, i think i would probably want to hop on the next flight to Chengdu and hug a real panda bear for a photo. Yes, this is it. Chengdu it is.

Again, i have to prep myself mentally strong and healthy to brace another cycle. The method did indicated that the soonest possible pregnancy could be in lunar August and the latest pregnancy is ruled in lunar November. Checking the calendar now it says we are only coming to mid lunar June. So, i am not that upset. Still got time. Just that we've got to try harder in the coming cycle #24 because it's the next closer cycle to the early indication.

It got to work. I have no U-turn. The deposit placed for booking an IVF procedure has been refunded to me yesterday and the next open-promo for IVF will only be available in March 2010. I wouldn't want then as it might be toooooo late to catch a tiger baby. 

Tiger is good for me and ok for Dino dad, but rabbit is a 100% no-no for a rooster Dino dad. So, this method got to work. But alas, Dino dad has been really really sick with over-heating internal body consecutive 2 months. Been downing lots of antibiotic. Also worry the toxicity level may be excreted out fully on time for the next ovulation. Tomorrow got to start him on Thomson Livrin 300.
Haiiiiii........... MySpace

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