Progesterone - the agent used beginning with the first trimester of pregnancy in an attempt to prevent habitual abortion.
In a natural fertile woman, progesterone is produced in the ovaries when she first got pregnant. It helps to prepare the body for successful implantation and most importantly, its main functions are:
- Makes the endometrium develop and secrete fluids after being primed by estrogen
- Maintains the functions of the placenta and fights off unwanted cells near the womb that could cause damage to the placenta or foetus.
- Keeps the endometrium in a thickened condition
- Stops the uterus making spontaneous movements
- Stimulates the growth of breast tissue
- Prevents lactation until after the birth (with estrogen)
- Strengthens the mucus plug covering the cervix to prevent infection.
- Strengthens the pelvic walls in preparation for labour.
- Stops the uterus from contracting (thus keeping the baby where it is)
- Constipation I think i'm beginning to....
- Heartburn No wonder why i breathed hard the night after the jab.
- Runny and irritable nose None yet
- Eyesight problems (blurring or headaches) Headache...yeah...bloody headaches killing me and i can't take painkiller. Got to suffer through it.
- Increased kidney infection risk.
And the headache.....aaarrrggggg........ i can't even lie down on the bed. I have to sleep sitting straight up. And pressuring the center of my palm seems to help to relieve the throbbing pain.
I am just through the first jab. More suffering to come for just to have a wee
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