The sinseh declared that my ovaries are much 'warmer' now and she 'allowed' me to try conceive this month. She has stopped all my leukorrhea and thyroid herbs and changed my prescription.
It's called 'chocolate'. That's right, she did not want to share her knowledge even one bit. She even made all her new patients signed on a indemnity form before starting treatment course. If i am a 'normal' child-bearing woman (like all the 95% of world's 'ok' child-bearing women), i would have probably told her to *...* off. Unfortunate me, i have to keep exercise my silence diligently and hopeful that these chocolate and black pills will be effectively enough to bring us a child. Ok for now, like 2 twelve years old, we faithfully down our shares everyday: 15 pills for dino dad's and 30 pills for me.

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